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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. Currently 3 bros interested...will send pic to the first bro who responded...if no take then I call 2nd person. Tks
  2. 1st frame is completed...started to assemble and sawing at 10pm....finished at 2am....lol But not too satisfied with the outlook....will modified again to make the rack look slimmer...stay tuned.
  3. You are right bro Sunny....quite expensive to use this frame....but fixing up is quite easy except have to saw the smaller piece cos the shop do not cut if the length is less than 1.2m......tough job....picture coming up
  4. Need to apply for Hotwork permit also....lol
  5. Thanks Bro Sherman....yes high initially...now down...have hair algae problem....used PH reactor, scrub, Tang to deal with them..... Now got problem....cannot find Algae for my Tang to eat....LOL
  6. Draft drawing on how the frame look like...
  7. I also using a free app to record some of the stats...not as comprehensive as Aquaplanner
  8. Haha...wanted to integrate my T5 with Maxspect LED into a single system..... Did a bit of research on Forum and happened to see Iceman Thread on Aluminum Frame.....cannot tahan....lunch time went down to King George Ave to get necessary stuff. End up spent about 180+ on the basic raw materials....hopefully tonight can start a bit of the "electric sawing" n fixing..... :yahoo:
  9. Batfish currently reserved by a nice bro...pending collection next Wed
  10. Sold to 2 nice bros.....Mod please close thread...
  11. This morning I saw a left over of my "Boxer Shrimp" on the wavemaker......I thought siao liao...my only shrimp die liao......lol Turned out......he is alive and kicking...suspect that he shredded his shell during the night.....haha
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