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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. I'm there now....help u to ask the Aunty later,
  2. 1.9k 7d body $500 for used lens(less than 1 yr)ml
  3. Bro, I'm getting either the 7d or 5d..,.with the following lens - 100mm f2.8 macro - kenko extension tube - Raynox 250 lens..,, Recommended by bros in Snap Club
  4. Bro cool guy, I also want to learn your secret....we go together your house to attend Zoas 101....haha
  5. I will still the one that I bought from you...haven use yet...lol
  6. bro, how about food? Does any of your clown host it and bring food to them? If not, maybe need to target feed...for season tank...a lot of living organism for them to eat....for our tank maybe need to feed a bit.
  7. Usually only have time during the night time to take photo.....haha thats why only blue lights....and by that time....some of the Zoas...going to zzzzzz liao
  8. Actually they are quite funny.....when they come to a path with a lot of corals....they cannot decide whether to move ahead or back off.....lol
  9. Thanks....yesterday night just caught a bristle worm on my gonia.....
  10. Nice shallow tank....time to load LS liao...haha
  11. Tuxedo urchin is reef safe and their spike does not give out toxin....and they are fantastic cleaner for my rock...make them sparkling clean....
  12. Originally I was just making a joke....my Tuxedo Urchin kept cleaning my rock and pick up any frags on the way..... If you look at urchin's back....there is a small monti frag and 1 branch with pipe organ.....lol
  13. Have you seen a mobile fragging station?
  14. haha Bro Lawrence....yes still need a bit...get from you later of the week...
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