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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. $100 touch and go..... Cabinet was customed made $300 already. Pm me to deal Ehiem Canister also for sale - $60
  2. $100 touch and go..... Cabinet was customed made $300 already. Pm me to deal Ehiem Canister also for sale - $60
  3. Sometimes u wonder how many things u can find when ransack your store room.... Brand new in box. Comes with 6 small pack of frag plugs. Island can holds 20 frags. Can glue addition plugs on island too. $50. Pm me fast.
  4. CO2 tank reserved for collection tomorrow. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. 1. CO2 tank with electronic solenoid - $50 2. Iodine Test kit - brand new from ah Beng - $10 3. H2O Mutli test kit - left 15-30% (mag, Cal, KH) - $10 As usual, buyer who buy all gets 10% discount and probably some free freebies. Pm me or Sms me if u know me. Collect at Madeira west.
  6. As usual, fastest finger gets good deal. 1 bro on the way to collect liao. update later
  7. All these for free. Take all one shot. Don't ask me working or not. Take and try. Collect West The Madeira. Plastic box is not included. Take a big bag or box for the piping stuff.
  8. Tank collected by a nice bro....Mod please help to close thread.
  9. 1. Almost brand new Refractometer for sale - Reserved 2. Hanna Phosphate Checker (Additional reagent) - Reserved 3. Ehiem 1000 Pump - $20
  10. 1. Almost brand new Refractometer for sale - $30 2. Hanna Phosphate Checker (Additional reagent) - $50 3. Ehiem 1000 Pump - $20
  11. 2 Par38 LED reserved. Left Refractometer & Hanna Checker
  12. One of them is 3 blue, 2 white....Another one is Full Spec
  13. Additional item for sale - Almost new Refractometer - $30 - Phosphate - Hanna Colormeter - $50 (+ additional reagent FOC)
  14. Price dropped to $50....Tank + Pump....can collect anytime....
  15. 2 Different PAR38 LED + Holder for sale. - $50 each
  16. 1. Tunze 6105 Wavemaker - $180 2. Tunze 6025 Wavemaker - Pending Confirmation 3. Tunze Wavebox(without pump) - SOLD 4. Tunze 6105 magnet holder - $20 5. Tunze Magnet 6080 - SOLD 6. Tunze 7096 Multi controller - $50 7. Tunze 6105 Impeller - SOLD 8. Coral Supplements - SOLD 9. Coral epoxy - Pending Confirmation
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