Bros who use DI water, do you use 100l or 200l drum to store your water? I have the 25l bottle but quite a hassle to top up 2-8 bottle for water change....
What do you use?
Ya....need to do that..i remove the back of the have slight air flow...may need to do more to the front cabinet door......add louver....maybe
Haha....not pro lah...just that I paid some $$ last time n learned some tips....
The side of the door n frame can use a strip to paste over...I tried laminate last time, not very hardy....and Formica is not ex....1 standard 4x8ft $14 cheapest type
Nothing much happened...except that the market prawn that I have put into the tank looks sort of turned mouldy.....looks great!!!!
Day 2 - Went to market to buy market prawn as recommended by forum "Cycling process"
Evening time....Water is much clearer prawn turned from grey to cooked colour....
Mid-night time with lights ON.....
Day 1 - Cycle - Blurry Tank....heard the sucking sound of the overflow chamber......very noisy...quickly called shifu and solved it.
Still at Day 1 - taken at 2.15am this time round....can see the rock shape liao....
Tired liao......go ZZZ
After tank is topped up with first thing to do of course is to on the return pump to let the circulation start to in sand...
As recommended by Madpetz...3 different layer of sand might make it look nicer....i'm just worried when the wavemaker start to blow them add in Bacteria King
Arranged for LCK to send NSW to my house....they arrived just the same time as me got
They pumped NSW from tank to 200 litres drum and sent it up.....