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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. Upzzz for the excellent sales....my wife says...longer queue than lfs
  2. 1 x 80w aquablue special T5 HO 1 x 80w blue plus ----Self collect
  3. So far, they move around at rock area and on glass...never ka chiao the corals like the crab does.
  4. I agreed that a team of cleaning crew is needed....hermit crab stay in one spot for too long and they ka chiao corals a bit also.... so far, Sea Urchin and Tangs are the best....haven got chance to try sea hare yet....good choice bro...
  5. upz for a good price for all these exotic fishes
  6. upzzz for the day....still need Radion...anyone?
  7. wahh....immediately up $28 liao.... :thumbsup:
  8. Got 1 set of Radion liao....need another 1 set of Radion
  9. I have 3 YT, 1 PT & 1 Salfin...co-exist quite well....once in a while will fight a bit but never a big fight...
  10. Any bros selling the above LED? PM me to discuss...cheers
  11. Formica sheet tentatively reserved for collection on Monday Night.
  12. 4x8ft Formica sheet that you can use to re-deco ur cabinet if you like DIY... PM me for collection details. West side
  13. Good job...glad to know that we are progressing....red dot or not...we are stronger than most of the bigger dots...
  14. A lot of LFS sell betta box...I bought mine from Petz mart...it has 2 sliding door...u can slide up one of the door and put some food inside the box...once ur fish get use to this box will guai guai go into the box and u can slide the door down...no stress to ur fish.
  15. Is this the Avenger series Zoas? Will be very interesting to see
  16. upz for a great chiller....excellent performance and most importantly quiet performance...
  17. Congrats on your new compressor....yes it is definitely more efficient than conventional chiller....very nice tank
  18. Lol....better not have impulse....hahahahaha
  19. TS mentioned 1 sold n 1 pending collection...PM him ur contact in case buyer backout
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