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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. Given out and collected bro....will sms u if i find more....lol Mod, please close thread.
  2. Haha bro, as I mentioned a few times...me not rich...just able to manage only...lol
  3. It's ok....more freebies coming once I short out my list of items at home....apparently a lot
  4. I might have the Rock that you want...will be taking picture to sell later tonight....but oops...mine is dry rock
  5. I got it from a fellow reefer for $20 but never got a chance to use it...so now give it away for free.... I tends to buy a lot of stuff on impulse then later got to sell it off at discount or FOC...please don't say I make $$ cos I don't.....haha
  6. currently reserved by 2 bros....paiseh...let you know if available...thanks.
  7. Haha...normal part of life...need to move on...when u wanna get your stuff From me? West or east?
  8. Haha.....need to clear stuff....decided to move house....BIG project on hold now
  9. 1. 2ft T5 single tube light 2. Filter sponge 3. Filter sock n sock holder(from Madpetz) Its free but a bottle of 100plus is good....lol
  10. Bro James, now also into Guinea Pig...hehe
  11. Profilux has pretty good conductivity probe...but their conductivity probe is also the most expensive probe in their range....almost $300 for it...but is one system can handle all your needs...it is a worthwhile investment....in my humble opinion...there r many senior members using profilux here...maybe they can enlighten us
  12. Marine Magic Dosing Pump reserved. Wireless Thermometer Reserved.
  13. Since I setup my Profilux Computer, some equipment become obselete....or rather duplicate...selling off to reefer who may use it for their tank... - American Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer $30 - American Pinpoint ORP/Redox Monitor $100 - Marine Magic Dosing - 3 channel $150 Please PM me if you want...
  14. No problem...if you want I can make a set for you....
  15. collected by a nice bro...mod please help to close thread.
  16. Currently reserved for collection tomorrow morning...thanks for viewing....will contact the 2nd person in line if buyer did not turn up...cheers and have a great weekend
  17. lol bro....for better navigation underwater....im providing a GPS.....lol
  18. bro, as requested the last time....i will make A3 size poster for your zoas....haha
  19. A big rock(5-10kg) with the following corals. 1. 5-6in Chalice 2. GPS growing on the rock 3. Bright red mushroom(at least 8-10 polys) 4. Acros alike coral with purplish tips 5. Hammer like coral 6. Radioactive birdnest(hidding behind) Please bring your own Pail...going for $35
  20. Sorry to hear this bro Goudian....all of us should be wary and caution that we do not totally understand the underwater world...thanks bro for sharing your painful experience....
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