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Everything posted by spkentchai

  1. Red Planet colour up.....the green base starts to show better....
  2. Bro Sherman, I can cut a part for you.
  3. Posting these pictures for Kenny...I saw the actual frag..,colour much better than these pic...see to believe.
  4. Im collecting later at his office...want me to collect for you?
  5. I bought this from Ah Beng in Jan....still surviving and opening up every day....I dont do target feed.
  6. thanks...collected. Mod please close thread.
  7. Any bros selling these 2 tang fish? Please contact me.
  8. Have a LPS to give. Zoas behind are not included. Lol Bring a bottle of 100-plus will do.
  9. Sold n collected. Mod please close thread. Thanks
  10. Selling this carpet anemone for $15...Sticked onto a small rock.... PM me to deal...collection at West
  11. All frags taken. Thanks for your interest.
  12. My reef backdrop has started to grow coraline algae.....Hope to grow more to cover other nuisance algae.
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