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Everything posted by alexcyf

  1. Ya I agree , if ur tank maker told u e tank is meant for marine, it should come with sump. External overflow is unsightly n unstable at times..
  2. And ya a sump. A must have. If not u dont have anymore to install a decent skimmer
  3. Wp 25 is good enuff for ur 3ft tank. AM is having promotion at 75.. Cheapest in e market now. For skimmer don't settle for less. Go for deltec or skimz. U might wanna invest in a chiller too to keep ur LPS.. A 1/4HP one for ur tank size..
  4. Shop owner replied! Agreed to give me a very good compensation package! Thumbs up! Really nice gesture! Sotong bro! PM if u wanna noe more k?
  5. My lobo takes L size pellets readily whenever e feeding tentacles are out. Here's a video
  6. yea. Just hope that they are able to compensate in some ways or another. Msg them but no reply yet.
  7. Nah.. I will see if anything is done when I go back next time.. Don't wanna spoil e reputation jus becuz of a single error.
  8. Grrrr now feeling really stupid. Knew e shape was a little different n it's missing e eye lashes then.. But e uncle told me its midas..
  9. Ya lights are dim. Those zoas are very healthy. So no worries! I was really thinking that its not a midas too!! Gotta check with the LFS again who told me its midas. Already half doubt when I bought it..
  10. Hey guys. Gotten a midas blenny. A Fiji shipment. QT for a couple of days before releasing.. Eating well and all but it seems like her colour is still quite pale yellow. Has any bros out there have had midas who took quite a while to turn to deep yellow/orange and e blue streaks on e eyes? Here's a picture
  11. Lol. I have realised that I am a total noob and super under utilized my camera.. Going find out more about the AUTO WB settings.. The true colours is really hard to capture for me too.. Thanks alot Jeff! Gonna PM u when I have more doubts man!
  12. Wow! Thanks for the advices! Will try these when I use my DSLR next time!
  13. Thanks for ur encouragement! And for ur encouragement to many other threads too!
  14. Decided to take some of photos Trying to capture some my fishes with my DSLR.. need more practice tho.. The better close ups of some corals. and a side profile and FTS.. Enjoy whatever is left of the weekend!
  15. Oh, I jus tried only for a while. But I am pretty confident it will not clump anymore. Cuz am setting e pump at half valve only!
  16. I removed one red circular try n one plastic mesh. The connection for the pipes. Lid pipe silicon to short pipe connect to red tray then connect to long pipe. End of e pipe will not touch the bottom. Therefore it is a must to glue the pipes and suspend from the lid
  17. Tried the method in the video! Din cut anything tho. The whole idea is that the inlet pipe must not touch e bottom of the canister. Therefore, I silicon e short pipe to the cover pipe. Flip the longer pipe upside down and run the pump and this is what I get.. http://youtu.be/6MmFx5V0Kt0
  18. That is likely, but you may need the higher flow for bio pellets which is generally heavier than po4 media and clumps together easily..
  19. Attach a suitable return pump to ur FR running bio pellets first and direct e outlet of po4 to skimmer
  20. All day 26? Even jn the afternoon my office tank shaded n indoors will soar to 29 if aircon n chiller both off.. Quite unlikely! Thermometer is working? Did u complete cycling before introducing livestock?
  21. Pictures speak a thousand words! Show us some so that we can help with some suggestions!
  22. I am guessing somebody is going to post new topic in pasar malam soon
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