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Everything posted by alexcyf

  1. Admire your patience in ur reef keeping
  2. Thanks! Think I am dosing too little magnesium.. I need to dose 1200 ml eventually to bring it back to 1300ppm
  3. Thanks for your help but even so it doesn't explain why the calcium is not climbing. so if u are looking at stability. The parameters are pretty stable and consistently low
  4. Thanks! But the link is not working
  5. Well, from experience and other reefers, usually Ca don't need to split to small dosage as the flunctuations does not affect corals much. My kh is on dosing too. 80 ml split to 10 dose. Mg is the one that's not on dosing pump as I started dosing only for less than a week. I am trying to ensure that mg is on an ideal level before I put it on automatic dosing. Anyway, ca on dosing comes from the salt mix, same product too, dosing pump of Cuz must use liquid right. Perhaps I can stop dosing ca on my pump first until I raise the ca through my manual dosing.
  6. Oh 15ml each dose 3 times a time using dosing pumps. Manuals are using Ca salt, not liquid, in fact it's those Ca little balls from continum Ca at night abt say 9pm and Mg once in morning and once at 9pm. Does these timings matter? Cuz I test every now and then at different timings but I get the same results revolving no more than 0.1ml difference reading on the Salifert charts. Mg should be first Cuz it helps maintain the alkanity right? If I'm not wrong if e mg is low, no matter how much u dose calcium also no use..
  7. I have been dosing Ca on my dosing pump. About 45 ml / 3 parts per day. Plus manual dosage, about 12grams per day. mg about 20grams per day manual dosage. This morning just raised to 60g. Not sure what's the effect gonna be like. Usually I test at 10pm at night . But I do additional tests about an hour or so after Manual dosing sometimes KH is at 8.0 All using Salifert test kits, earliest expiry only in 2016.. Some expired test kits really give crazy numbers in my experience..
  8. Hi all, I am experiencing low Ca at 370 and Mg at 1100. I have been trying to bring it up to optimum levels by dosing Ca and Mg at the maximum recommended amount everyday. However after diligently measuring the levels everyday with Salifert, there has been no significant raise in levels. Any idea what's the issue here? Should I be looking at Strontium?
  9. Ah Beng should have. If not u can order with them, they can get their supplier to deliver in a couple of days.
  10. Anyway, there's some white tips appearing on my chalice now. Is it because it's growing? Usually they should grow outwards right? Probably Not stm right Since its lps.. Any body have similar experience?
  11. Realized my mistake.. Haha just got the Ca from continuum to dose now. Ca is finally rising! Tot that the kalk 2+ can help increase calcium too.. Anyway dosing only Kh and Ca now..
  12. not my fish tank but my living room hahaha
  13. By the way, calcium at 360 now.. Dropped steadily from 400 a few weeks ago..
  14. Hey fellow reefers! Wanna check if anyone is dosing bright well Kalk2+?? Currently trying to dose with this product, but it seems that after many days of dosing with my dosing pump, my calcium level is not rising.. Some details of my dosing, About 1 macdonald teaspoon with 1.5l of water.. 45 ml per day, 3 dose of 15 6 hours apart.. They are times where I even added extra on top of the dosing pump.. Today I even tested the stock solution, and the ca count is like less than 200... Is my stock solution too diluted? Instructions say 1 teaspoon per gallon tho.. Any advice?
  15. If you have the time, definitely mixing your own salt water using distilled water will be better. At least you are sure that this water will be clean and disease/pest free IMO
  16. Once ammonia and nitrite is zero, nitrate high, likely ur cycle is complete. Can do a major water change to bring down nitrates
  17. Finally had some time to take some photos with my camera.. not very good at using my camera, do share some camera tips if possible ya?
  18. After u complete the cycling process, it is important to do a major wc before introducing livestocks. Diatoms, new tank synchrome are part and parcel. Once the tank stabilizes it should be gone. Test ur water regularly and keep all nutrients at bay
  19. Thanks!! Anyway, Ikea's holder is too fragile, I install the bulb, the frame cannot stand..
  20. Guys I have a par38 and no idea where to get the light fixture. Anybody have one to sell or can point me to the right shop?
  21. Just wanna share about the effect of my nitrate reactor.. One test from the main tank water, the other from the outlet of the reactor
  22. Let there be light~ and corals too One question, do you guys feel that the wave is too strong in these videos? Think my RW20 is too strong, even at 1/10 bar..
  23. SPS likely can't take it. Another suggestion that many people does is to glue a rock as a divider to keep it from touching. Hope it helps
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