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Everything posted by alexcyf

  1. so far no good news man.. Only took 1 picture of it :)
  2. yup. Din realized until I look from e top :) think e clowns ate eggs, so far every hatch e eggs disappear after 3 days
  3. Just realized my badabing blue is coming out looking like how it's supposed to look in Internet now
  4. They do have a local forum. But not as widely used as us I felt. But they have blogs/websites by sellers to inform about shipments. Photos can be pretty exciting too!
  5. Haha it's not my tank bro. It's e show tank in a coral shop in hk
  6. yup. Hard corals u will need CITES license from both countries. With e license u can bring back 5 pc per pax. But it's a troublesome process n cost too I think
  7. haha still have more work on the colouration! Can't get e intense reds n yellows out. The 3 different views was really something I wanted after seeing AM's tanks since I started out :)
  8. thanks bro! 9 months of reading! Looks like patient is your strong suit! Definitely a virtue that's important to reefing! And sure, would love to share more! Pm me when you decided to commit to this hobby!
  9. Fish street in HK is pretty exciting fishes generally are cheaper than SG. You can find nice zoas at good rates too. Check out the ones that's not on street level. There are a few buildings with a few LFS within the same block. If u are in luck, sometimes there's nice Aussie sps and rainbow acan shipment. But of cuz, u supposedly can't bring back hard corals. Good to see and appreciate e price diff. Check out reef channel coral club. Show tank is pretty cool!
  10. Haha thanks! Always love visitors and another set of advice! Sure! PM me when you are free!
  11. lol, this is really pretty nice. Doubt the yellow's going to go anywhere :)
  12. thanks bro! Will try my best :)
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