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Everything posted by superbee

  1. I dose kalkwasser to maintain my ph at 8.1-8.3. Compare to dosing ph buffer, I though this is one stone kill 2 birds because I can also boost up my calcium level.
  2. I think RO/DI water is a must to ensure pure water goes into your tank, in this way, you have control over your water quality.
  3. You can check with Henry (marinelife), he have it from last shipment on 18 Jan.
  4. I got it from pacific reef (ah beng). They have it quite often.
  5. Anyone have success in keeping Clown Tang? I have my longest clown Tang kept for 3 weeks and just died for no apparent reason today
  6. If you intend to dose directly into the tank, maybe you can start at a extremely slow drip, as slow as possible. Then monitor your parameter and life stock over a week, if everything fine, then increase a bit. Your limitation will be the PH, if you set your PH limit at 8.4 for example, if the rate that you dose often exceed the limit, you know that it too much as far as PH is concern. Hopefully that help. Any senior have any other opinion, can share? I also would like to learn more in this area as well.
  7. I did not monitor the amount in term of ml, I connect a container with saturated kalkwasser after my ATO. So it will dose according to the evaporation rate of my tank. So far, it always maintain the PH at around 8.1-8.3.
  8. Ops! Typo error, should be PH12 instead of 12dkh. Sorry.
  9. May I know what test kits are you using to measure your KH & CA? What type of life stock are you keeping? Personally I find that two part dosing is abit difficult to control and maintain KH & CA. I use calcium reactor to maintain and 2 part for abit of fine tuning. Actually IMO, you should minimize the fluctuation, swing between 8 - 12dkh is really bad. You don't need to try too hard in achieving the ideal parameter, those are just for guide, instead let the parameter settle themselve, look if within the acceptable range(be it on the lower end or higher end), if they are, just make sure they are constant. Look at how your life stock react to them, if they are comfortable just leave it. Remember you need some patient in this hobby.Thing will turnout nice. Happy reefing!
  10. I think the key word is consistant in your water parameter. The basic that you need to ensure consistant IMHO is PH, KH, CA and MG, other than the NO3 & PO4. To ensure KH, CA and MG is the most challenging one, even so for a small tank because once your coral start to grow, it will reduce these parameters and therefore you must have a system to maintain it to prevent flutuation.
  11. IMHO, you should invest on equipments and test kits to get all parameters correct first b4 you introduce your first life stock.
  12. If you don't remove those dead worms, I think your nitrate will go up again very soon. Do you use skimmer and live rock? Did you cycle your tank b4 introducing life stock?
  13. Hi nuj244, after you add 3 more, you will add 3 more....... ha ha ha..... just kidding.
  14. Hi Powder Tang, please be caution when you use it because if you overdose, it will cause rapid increase on your PH to alarming 12dkh in very short time and will wipeout your whole tank. If you have a big tank, the effect will not be so fast thought. I use to dose it together with top up water. Monitoring of PH and your coral for any abnormal symptoms.
  15. Sure, but let me first learn how to take picture with correct white balance first. If not everything look blueish.
  16. Hi Andtsg, thanks for your advice. Shall try to cut it these weekend.
  17. Hi all reefers, currrently my sps are growing fast and some are starting to touch one another. Would like to get some advice on how you guys propagate them. Thanks in advance!
  18. Hi all, just introduced a flame angel into my tank. After few days, noticed my digi poly all retracted. After few days of monitoring, confirmed my angel is the culprit. Just my luck!
  19. Hi, I am looking for big size powder blue tang. Anyone which LFS selling healthy one. Thanks
  20. Deltec is my only choice, very effective in my opinion.
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