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Everything posted by ryz

  1. my cheapo Lumix FZ 20 has 36-432mm lens plus 4x digital zoom. with the Mega Optical Image Stabiliser can take clear and sharp pix with 48x zoom carrying the camera on my hands. quite cool. the picture quality doesn't drastically deteriorate after I use digital zoom. v fun to play with lol. so it's like having up to 1728mm zoom.
  2. wow! I thought I heard 12,000 on the news? woah.
  3. I think u mean mourn. not moan. moan is what u do when u feel deep pain or pleasure. lol. and god speed is usually used for wishing people good luck when heading off for a competition, battle etc. don't think it's pertinently used here. mourning is non productive. please flame me.
  4. check if the sender's email address is really clubachilles_tang@sgreefclub.com or is that just the name set by the sender.
  5. Equipment. 1. JEBO 2x24W 10,000K PL(2 months old, as good as new) $25 still available 2. Weipro 2012 Skimmer(comes with atman 2000l/h pump, in mint condition but without the ourlet sponge) $20 reserved by snowhusky 3. Weipro 4000 Pump(3000l/h 2 mths old also v new) $20 reserved by kokhui Livestock still available 1 x Snowflake Moray - $15 1 x Yellow Head Moray -$10 1 x Black Ribbon Eel - $20 All healthy and hand-fed. Black Ribbon Eel hard to find feeding one, mine already trained on market prawns. all healthy and feeding so good for beginners who wanna try to keep eels. Liverock reserved by kokhui approx 15 kg of LR for sale covered with coralline. medium sized rocks. with free pearl bubble coral and zooanthids $6/kg (not sure on exact weight, will charge accordingly upon weighing when buyer collect)
  6. 1. WEIPRO 2012 skimmer with Atman 2000l/h pump now at only $20! Outlet sponge missing(don't really need the outlet sponge. thats why I removed it in the 1st place) 2. JEBO 2x24W 10,000K PL(2 months old, as good as new) $25 only! 3. Liverocks still available at $6/kg. will give free pearl bubble coral and some zooanthids as well.
  7. very nice very natural looking! wow... my jaw drop.. I love ur rockscape... wish I have the space.
  8. oopzz.. sorry skimmer reserved by ^tirpleb^ forgot haha... PL light still for sale.
  9. upzz... skimmer(with 2000l/h pump) and light still not taken
  10. also as requested. has some salt spray. will clean up before buyer collects.
  11. Equipment. 1. JEBO 2x24W 10,000K PL(2 months old, as good as new) $25 2. Weipro 2012 Skimmer(comes with atman 2000l/h pump, in mint condition but without the ourlet sponge) $20 reserved by ^tirpleb^ 3. Weipro 4000 Pump(3000l/h 2 mths old also v new) $20 reserved by kokhui Livestock all reserved by babycat 1 x Snowflake Moray - $15 1 x Yellow Head Moray -$10 1 x Black Ribbon Eel - $20 All healthy and hand-fed. Black Ribbon Eel hard to find feeding one, mine already trained on market prawns. all healthy and feeding so good for beginners who wanna try to keep eels. Liverock approx 15 kg of LR for sale covered with coralline. medium sized rocks. $7/kg (not sure on exact weight, will charge accordingly upon weighing when buyer collect)
  12. reef tank running. too many commitments. Equipment. 1. JEBO 2x24W 10,000K PL(2 months old, as good as new) $25 2. Weipro 2012 Skimmer(comes with atman 2000l/h pump, in mint condition but without the ourlet sponge) $20 3. Weipro 4000 Pump(3000l/h 2 mths old also v new) $20 reserved by kokhui Livestock all reserved by babycat 1 x Snowflake Moray - $15 1 x Yellow Head Moray -$10 1 x Black Ribbon Eel - $20 All healthy and hand-fed. Black Ribbon Eel hard to find feeding one, mine already trained on market prawns. all healthy and feeding so good for beginners who wanna try to keep eels. Liverock approx 15 kg of LR for sale covered with coralline. medium sized rocks. $7/kg (not sure on exact weight, will charge accordingly upon weighing when buyer collect) hope noone aeroplane me. if kanna aeroplane will repost for sale. want to shut down asap so bros pls help.
  13. black ribbon eel. (picture not taken by me) extracted from www.santanaphuket.com
  14. Equipment. 1. JEBO 2x24W 10,000K PL(2 months old, as good as new) $25 2. Weipro 2012 Skimmer(comes with atman pump, in mint condition) $20 3. Weipro 4000 Pump(3000l/h 2 mths old also v new) $20 Livestock 1 x Snowflake Moray - $15 1 x Yellow Head Moray -$10 1 x Black Ribbon Eel - $20 All healthy and hand-fed. Black Ribbon Eel hard to find feeding one, mine already trained on market prawns. all healthy and feeding so good for beginners who wanna try to keep eels. Liverock approx 15 kg of LR for sale covered with coralline. medium sized rocks. $7/kg (not sure on exact weight, will charge accordingly upon weighing when buyer collect) Collection at Yishun Ave 4 hope to clear asap. priority given to buyer who can collect first. For fast deal sms 91144975.
  15. yea.. bio load quite high.. might consider shutting down the eel tank liao. haha no time.. Upz
  16. never had luck with plates.. I used to have this (in pic below) and a pink plate but both receded... dunno why. they feed and bloat up at first then start to receed. any ideas? I have a heliofungia now but also not doing too well.
  17. silicates has to be the prob.. I am also constantly plagued by diatoms on glass as I top up with tap water daily..
  18. Healthy Black ribbon eel for sale. about 2.5' to 3' in length.. fully weaned to Market prawns.. it is the eel's favorite food. can feed fish meat as well but it doesn't like it as much. It can hunt little feeder mollies as well. Selling for $25 it is black with yellow fins.. very contrasting.. bold colours! healthy and eating.. rare specimen.. hard to find one thats healthy and eating in captivity. Collection in Yishun Ave 4. Don't think I'll need to post pics of it as all of them looks the same.
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