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Everything posted by ryz

  1. selling lobo seperately? interested.
  2. WOAH! v nice! nv jio me go LFSing! lol
  3. interested. when to collect? can pm me ur number?
  4. bro! I'm using the same cam as u! :D what macro lens u use? attach to the thread at the front of the cam ah? does it make a lot of difference?
  5. optical zoom uses the lens to magnify the image. such is the technology used in telescopes and binoculars.. rendering sharp images even though the objects are far away. digital zoom basically is like enlarging a photo using paint. try to enlarge some photos and u will find the quality deteriorates.
  6. if shin backs out I want the squamosa
  7. no side effects. it will be tantamount to having more liverocks than u need.
  8. saya tak faham apa kamu cakap. boleh cakap english? haha my malay pro?
  9. think for macro u use manual focus will be easier if ur cam keeps focussing on wrong thing.
  10. just took this shot.. taken at ISO400.. not so bad cuz of the bright MH.. if taking pictures of monkeys in zoo then ISO400 sure will be v noisy
  11. if you forgot the details of the shot can check by right clicking on the fiule and choose properties. then go to summary as such.. cool right.. haha
  12. oops off topic haha.. just show u how bad my cam's noise reduction is lah.. I reckon 200 will still be ok. but 400 when view the full size picture the dark sky sure will be very noisy.. 8 seconds shtter speed without tripod ok.. hahaha pro right? resting on the concrete support lah
  13. singapore river... look at how forced this shot is... I shoot with ISO100... can u believe it?? F/6.5 +ISO100 + after midnight = need 8.0 sec shutter speed. haha
  14. ISO is the sensitivity of the "film" higher the ISO the more sensitive the film is to light. so a little bit of light will form image on the film liao. good for night shots and shots taken in dark places
  15. mine is prosumer leh. expected more.. and my max ISO setting is only 400 ..
  16. wah think my cam's noise reduction is very bad.. ISO 400 already quite noisy.. any tips on reducing noise? maybe the shots I took are taken in too dark a place? roidan why u always use super fast shutter speed and super high ISO rating? when maybe 1/30 and ISO200 will suffice. Is there a reason? will increase sharpness?
  17. mine is panasonic dmc fz20.. got mega optical image stabilizer.. but like not helping much leh.. I dun have tripod so all the shots I take are taken handheld.
  18. pink lobo. maybe I try to bring the corals near near then take shots. haha.. fun idea.. might do it..
  19. hammer.. v far from glass.. cannot take closeup
  20. took some lousy macro shots with my camera. the croals are all far from the front glass panel! difficult to take real close up ones.. I can only zoom up to 3x max if not it will go out of focus. sad.. anyway heres my devil's finger leather coral
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