I agree fully man... been driving for over 5 years now and still, not a week goes by when I do not encounter a tailgater! I must say I'm always tempted to give it a go... afterall, the guy who hits from behind is wrong and we'd be able to claim from their insurance.
However, Spidey, it's simply not worth losing your mum's trust, or the inconvenience caused by the loss of use of the car for a few days, potential injuries on yourself or loved ones in the passenger seats, the money you forked out and all the other insurance shit.
Cabbies... they are not worth it. And you said it well when you said they own the traffic police. THEY DO!
Believe you me, I've only had one traffic problem ever in my life and it happened when I was still a P-plater in 98. I was turning right on a green arrow and a CityCab which was speeding, beat the lights coming from the other direction and hit me so hard, I spun 360 degree around!
When I went over to check on him and his passenger, he abused me verbally in Hokkien! Whats worse, he actually told the police that it was green for him and that I had not looked before I turned.
When I was interviewed by the police about a week later, the officer had tried to persuade me and my witness to admit that the accident was a result of my carelessness because the old cabbie, who had a family to feed cannot afford to pay higher premiums the following year?
I was utterly disgusted at the lack of professionalism. They even offered to not charge me for reckless driving if I admitted to my 'mistake'.