Do they take flakes ?
I have a blue leg hermit crab, wonders if it will die of hunger if only feed flakes.
For shrimps, I remember my cleaner shrimp takes pellet.
thats means have to buy & make pipings ?
Can disclose how much u paid for it ? & how much would Transport cost (if u know, by maybe sin Bro?)
Thanks thanks
U are upgrading to a bigger tank ?
Hi guys, if I want to keep fishes like blue tang & yellow tang, what is the minimum size ?
& what's the cost, 1 that comes with sump & canbinet ?
Where can I do a window shopping for it ?
I dont seems to find any ? is all shops only keeps photo of tank only ?
why so many people when they shift house will come in here to sell off their tank, & many deals happens real fast.
Hi guys, if I want to keep fishes like blue tang & yellow tang, what is the minimum size ?
& what's the cost, 1 that comes with sump & canbinet ?
Where can I do a window shopping for it ?
I dont seems to find any ? is all shops only keeps photo of tank only ?
why so many people when they shift house will come in here to sell off their tank, & many deals happens real fast.
Guys if I wants to keep Blue Tang & Yellow tang - how many feet tank must I have minimum ?
For a average 3feet & 4 feet tank that comes with sump & cabinet cost how much ?
Where can I do a window shopping for them ? Anyone that have instalment plan or even those interest free plans.
thanks in advance
Hi guys how much would such a new tank cost ? & Where can I like view like window shopping like that ?
Or anywhere that comes with interest free credit card instalments
bro i thought u were selling your 4feet tank ?
this free tank can "plug & play" ?
where u staying ?
if we arrange for people to move sure they ask us take out sand if not charge a lot more ?
So if I go take out sand 1st then arrange for mover to move tank later can ?
Can see 1st with no obligation ?
thanks Bro
my mail
So amboi36, u got the tank ?
just curious what the charges for transport such a tank & i have to reset it back up myself ?
thickness ?
Where can I shop around for such tanks with display instead of looking at photo ?
What is the price for such new tanks ?
Dont understand. y this 4feet so cheap when some 3 feet asking for $300 - $400 ?
Does $100 buy can run liao & put in fishes & LRs ?
And how much would transporter charge for transport & setting it back up at my home ?
I saw internet they use "how many gallon" like let say recommend that a Diamond goby be in a 30gallons tank.
How to see ? Our 2feet tank , 3 feet tank etc is equal to how many gallons ?
Thanks guys