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Pterois volitan

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  1. Picture of the sump. Includes weipro SA-2012 attached with dyman 2500, Haliea HX-6540 for overflow. Bioball and gravels included. Modified with a 2 ft flouresecent tube added in the cabinet for lighting. Convenient for maintenance at all times.
  2. Hailea 1 HP chiller. 2 year old. Control panel modified before.
  3. Atman 2 x metal halide and 4 x PL actinic blue lights
  4. Tank spec: 4ft by 2ft by 2.5ft (8mm thick) Comes with hood, hoodcover and wooden cabinet. Sellng as a set consisting of tank with sump, chiller and lightings. Going for $1200. Interested parties please sms at 98235772. Thanks.
  5. dont think so... similar but nope .. hope i didnt mis- ID it...
  6. some of the older corals that i couldnt take the previous time.. now that the algae has been removed ...
  7. new members of my tank. bought it with some injury.. but think should able to get it healthy in no time.
  8. One of my yuma clusters... not as colour as what most other reefers have... but the biggest one measures about 4 inches plus in diameter.
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