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Everything posted by arcanehacker

  1. If its posted before please delete. Interesting squid like creature: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...magnapinna.html
  2. Should be hydroids.. very small and they stay at that size.. harmless. I find them quite amusing.
  3. You probably want to read up more on the properties of distilled or DI water.. its different from boiling water.. in any case there is no use in using boiled water..You are better of saving the gas and using tap water.
  4. No effects besides contributing to bioload and die-offs.. the brine shrimps should not live very long because salinity level is not high enough for them. ..
  5. The teardrop surely will increase when the AT grows. But that said, everything grows in proportion. So if the teardrop is not very big, when the AT grows, you do not expect it to be extremely large.
  6. sad news... small one didn't eat in the betta box and up the lorry. Now only one.. and in anycase this one did a 'Finding Nemo' scene and was out of the betta box this morning. If anyone is still interested please PM me. I'll catch it out again. BTW been with me for about half a year.. I think
  7. Then you will see yourself topping up water almost everyday. Fan only covers surface..problem if you have a deeper tank.
  8. Firstly you posted in the wrong section. secondly it really depends.. you probably want to state your tank config with what flow rate wavemaker? From there then people can help you.
  9. Think again.. how much is the cost of the initial set? You go to calculate the cost spread out and then see how many years to break even.. if its gonna take more than 2-3 years, its probably not worth.
  10. Don't make sense.. Your fridge running on UPS? I guess you do not have a tank either.
  11. Sorry if anyone did not get a reply.. Didn't expect to have many reply. Should be tentatively reserved. BTW I got 6 now.. I jumped back into tank.. damn.. how do I catch the rest of the 7 out..
  12. Selling a pair of true clowns. Small sized.. infact never grew much so its good for people with small tanks. Tank breed.. not aggressive at all. Selling for $25/pair Collection at Jurong West St 65.
  13. I got 7 green Chromis up for adoption. Collection at Jurong West St 65. If you could bring a bag would be good.
  14. Who enjoys? If there is a reliable monitor for every parameter test, I would have got them.. So far the only Nitrate ones suck. Calcium one probe works the same thoery with the nitrate one so it sucks as bad..
  15. 3 weeks is till too soon.. the bacteria in there is trying to stabilize.. Mine took more than a month to kick in.. few months to really stabilize. Also since now it stays at 25, slow down the drip. Measure constantly and adjust. Till you see its 5ppm or close to. Usually 1- 2 drips per sec roughly. Stay there.. measure bi-weekly or monthly to ensure its not too slow. 0 for too long is a risk because you don't know whether its too slow. This is my method and its good for me.. There is a better way of controlling.. search the forum.. there should be few posts on it.. its about decreasing, measure, then increasing, measure, then decreasing again.. its a sure way of getting close to 0 ppm.. I didn't do that cos its too much monitoring. Then again its only for the initial phase.
  16. Firstly how long have you had this denitrator? The efficiency of a denitrator is the tuning of the drip rate. And it really takes a while for it to kick in. Esp for sulphur ones, it usually takes months. I have over 50 LS in my 4ft and the Denitrator (NF511) is controlling well. ~ 5 ppm.
  17. Yah.. would be pretty narrow minded to stop foreigners to work here.. they do jobs which most locals would stay clear.. impose a tighter control maybe. anyway back to the topic.. Lion fishes??!! My favorite. They were the reason why I started this hobby.. besides the fact that I failed many times .
  18. Some form of Sponge. They grow in sump and overflow.. They do not grow very big but they propagate all over.
  19. I do not recommend a second hand floating hand hydrometer. The metal piece can drop out for not reason. Get a new one. Its rather cheap. And I'd still recommend you go for a second hand Refractometer.
  20. I got. Can give a big handful. If its convenient, self collect at my place, Jurong West St 65. Only after 6+pm.
  21. a link on, why DI or distilled water should be done so, would be great..
  22. Thats the purpose of the di filter unit. You can use it straight.
  23. Its a D&D product from Germany (I think). Sole distributor in Singapore is ReefDepot. After so long then you decided to use this? You should have used this product long ago.
  24. I think he meant the Hawaii Yellow Tang and the Philipine (also found in some other regions) Yellow Tang. They look pretty similar except for the intensity of colour. Hawaii generally have better Yellow colouration. I find the dorsal fins are generally shorter also.. maybe I'm wrong on this.. maybe they are just juvenile.
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