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Everything posted by arcanehacker

  1. I wonder why people kinda relate and add in the morality part to everyone they idolize? Woods, Jack, etc.. People like Woods, just have passion of the things they like and make it good.. I can't see why people who like or liked him take it so personally when he was exposed? .. does his multiple affairs make him a bad player? Or did the fans/media created frenzy made him bad because of lack of moral support.
  2. I've yet to see overskimming a tank relates to unhealthy fishes.. seriously. Corals.. maybe.. I've heard people who can't keep Xenias or certain mushrooms but have really nice SPS.. Theory is Xenias need some form of nitrate or something.. About turning the skimmer on and off would definitely shorten the lifespan of the skimmer pump(s) and its feed pump.. its just like turning on and off any return pumps.. they die off very quickly.. Its kinda similar to controllable and non-controllable wavemakers..
  3. Hmm.. and we are ok on values for judging people when we are not even in the direct know of the whole history? ..
  4. Who are we then to even judge another? Are we any better people? I believe everyone has skeletons.. just because its not exposed, doesn't mean we are any better.. I'd say better not to judge.. ever.. let him live his live as he would.. not our call..
  5. The one in the second pic looks like what I have.. they basically do nothing harmful.. comes out when its dark. They should be burrowing in crevices of rocks.. I had an infestation once.. was up at night and saw lots and lots on them crawling around the rocks.. .. makes the hair at the back on my neck stand. None of my fishes eat them (Tangs, Clowns, Grammas, etc).. Still have them now esp in my Cheatos but population died down anyway for unknown reasons..
  6. Yeah.. I second that.. I think he shouldn't have came out and make any statement to the public.. If must, apology should be made only to the people he hurt in the process.. And outsiders are just too quick to judge and point fingers for some reason.. I'd quote "let him who is without sins cast the first stone"..
  7. Did you state what that coral was? Must be those hardy brown or green kind.. If its hardly species, then its like many others who basically put a damsel in on the very first day (With or without intention of cycling). Most will probably survive through..
  8. Do put up some pics when this is done.. maybe can give some suggestions to others facing heat issues in the living room area..
  9. It really depends.. I find species like True perc and shirtless stay 1 inch when kept alone.. They don't 'feel' the need to morph and dominate because there is no partner.. If you were to keep a pair that clicks, I bet it would be a different story.. One will grow way faster to be the dominant female.
  10. Don't think so.. they 'stun' in growth due to our feedings. But ultimately, it will grow.. If you go the other local FW forum, no one there agrees to this..
  11. A lot of times, they are unrepairable.. at least from user's pov.. I had 2 k4 that went dead after a yr plus.. the motor stopped working... The impeller or shaft shouldn't break that easily..
  12. maybe you are the rare few or a really matured system.. most have commented it takes weeks.. and that saying, its not even fully efficient yet.. even mine took months.. anyway I don't have that white slimy stuff you mentioned. So its never advisable to give hopes that a denitrator will work once setup.. if it takes few months for a tank, one is basically screwed on the nitrate..
  13. This is sitting in a slow moving sub-forum.. 2 years thread but its probably still in the first page.. maybe thats why.. I don't think anyone will flip through 5 pages back of really old threads..
  14. Well at least you made a right choice of not placing the chiller in a cabinet.. Not recommended at all.. the heat recirculation is gonna shorten the lifespan. Putting the chiller 8m away should mean you need a way higher flowrate pump.. which in return means higher wattage for the same flow rate.. At least thats what makes sense.. It should be the same like head-loss.. just not as bad since its not against gravity..
  15. Because its a voting thread.. as long as someone clicks on the vote, it will go up..
  16. hmm.. I couldn't phantom why one would need a De-Nitrator urgently.. to have a fully working de-nitrator would take months..
  17. Hmm.. place sounds familiar.. I'm no regular but they offered me a drink.. hehe.. I didn't accept anyway.. My mother told me not to accept stuff from strangers..haha just kidding..
  18. Such kind I don't mind.. hell.. I don't even like people following me around when I shop.. I want then I ask.. besides, the retail staff and boss can be more productive doing other stuff or serving other customers in need.. Its the 'I dun see you up' attitude (Chinese direct translation.. most would know what I mean).. Makes people feel disgusted at their attitude..
  19. Wah.. we still talking about Paradiz Reef ah? yeah.. kinda f**ked up attitude. Ask a few questions (eg price) only start showing face kind.. the face like "you want to buy or not. If not dun ask." or "ask also dunno you can afford".. This is not a one time encounter.. nor even a 1 reefer encounter.. His the other buddy was a way better guy.. but, I guess 1 rotten apple had ruin the whole batch..
  20. Yeah.. get a professional.. don't DIY unless you have the knowledge, skills and done it before. Most of the tank makers should be able to do up tanks to your design.
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