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  1. 1st or 2nd hand also can.... juz pm me ur price.... muz b in good workg condition... willing to trade for 8310[1yr old]
  2. 2nd hand also can.... but price muz be reasonable la call me @98738126 if got delivery, better still ...... i stay in YioChuKang cheers
  3. yup ! prefer the 96-97 Mits ! Used to drive a manual MR [mivec]... boy, i miss that car..... the galant is defntly cheaper now.. but still UNDER-PoWered ...... guess u gotta do a few mods [aftr ur Warranty period] if u wana keep up with those ZoomZoom cars
  4. and guess what ?? i stay in YIO CHU KANG ! ! ! itz realli good ah !
  5. ........ the old shoppg centre along boon Lay Drive w an old cinema at the front and McDonalds at the side....
  6. great n affordable Chinese food !! aT BoonLay Shoppg Centre.... 3rd floor... i tink itz called BoonLay Raja restaurant !! great quality n nice ambience.... in a HDB Heartland setting !!! itz juz nx to a food centre n c/park..... and the boss of the restaurant[an old man w big tummy] realli v humble... goes around to every table to thank diners for goin his restaurant ! haha tink itz a family-run business..... juz my 2centS worth .... to all the 'Foodies' out there..... [sometimes i get real sian of nasi lemak, prawn noodle, chkn wings.. so i went there hav a taste of 'restaurant' standard food... ]
  7. got a pairs of 8310 instead.... after much consideration..... dun tink i like the poyphonic tones of the new fones...
  8. hav 2 offers so far..... [one not from SRC] ..... but the guy could only offer one set of 7210 ..... good price... but onli one set availble... and as for the other guy... couldnt giv a price within my budget.... do let me know if u bros got any lobang on the above fones
  9. relax relax... faceplates/covers will first appear at pasar malams... ....followed by the originals sold at the authorised dealers.... its always the case man.... sad but true....
  10. Lookg for a pair of 6100/6610/7210 ..... either one model.... w/o line please..... muz b good workg condition.... 2nd hand oso can... w original batt + chargers.... needless to say.. if no warranty , i'd b offerg less la... my budget would b around 4- 600 for the pair..... thankx
  11. ...... erh... anyone care to comment on 6610 or 6100 ? Other than small button.... tinkg of gettg a pair..... for my gal n me.... 2nd hand oso can... wat 2 do.. hang.qeng.pai ma.....
  12. juz wondering whtr there are any bros n sis out there who have lobang for cheap [not neccsry original] , new hp [6100,6610,7210] ?? juz want 2sets of the same model [myself n my fiancee]... strictly for personal usage... not for re-sale ... would appreciate if anyone could pm me the offer price.... [and needless to ay... such fones do not come w Lines.... so dun offer me fone+contracts...] <_< thankx
  13. to our sisters-in-arms..... may they rest in peace .... they hav lost their Lives in the course of serving our Nation.... As for contributing factors..... there are endless possibilities..... i know how dark it can get @ nite.... how Machine may fail... how Man may 'shut down'... as an Armour Tankee.... i have personally experienced and have seen such incidents before [ to armour vehicles....] ...... we should not pin the Blame on anyone yet..... ships sink..tanks overturn... 3tonners flip.... bridges collapse.... all part n parcel of Operational readiness.... all part of the Learning process... n training process..... While we await the results of the on-going investigations..... let us bow our heads n wish our Sisters well in their Journey after Life....
  14. im interestd too... do give feedbk... if not mistaken..ther's oso a 6610... any diff ? [other than battery thkness?]
  15. ..... and being a male ... i love to spread my 'seeds' around...
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