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Everything posted by xeneryx

  1. Hi. Selling the above. $100
  2. I feel that its about the same price. i only asked about the food.
  3. I took this pic for you guys to find the exact location. either you show this to the cabbie/tuktuk or ask around for this. Its the entrance.
  4. Your fish jumped out because of the water quality/condition, And not enough bacteria
  5. Just came back from bkk and decided to take some pictures for you guys. Hope you like it ! There are about 20 or more shops cluster together. Most of it selling corals. livestocks there are much more expensive compared to sg. But definitely a place to visit. many others exotic pets you can find there, an eye opener. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
  6. Hi Simon, I feel that you should place your filter wool in a way that covers all 4 sides. So the dirty things won't be able to pass thru. You'll have a hard time cleaning later on if it stuck at the bottom. I place my wool tuck nicely and the excess is all facing up. If you get what I mean. Your skimmer might need to lift it up. Might be too high to break in
  7. Bro, imo - you didn't cause ammonia to spike which explains the reason why the process takes so long. - fish died because cycling process not complete, not enough bacteria for livestock. - nitrite and ammonia still exist which is toxic to livestock. - I don't think you did a major wc to bring down nitrate after the cycle you said u succeeded. - most probably you did not understand the cycling process, usually about 1 month. - I don't think the liverock will still be there if u put it in sea.
  8. Giving 3 small normal clownfish and a black damsel. Collection at marine parade
  9. Selling my school of yellow tangs. From small to medium. Eating everything. With me 6 months. $170. Pm
  10. It looks like the one from aquarama. Am competition tank
  11. Wtg 3 tiny tiny clownfishes with a tiny black damsel. Been feeling very well. Collection must be today at marine parade Pm
  12. Selling this 5 yellow tangs. size ranges from small to medium living peacefully together. they are not trapped yet. with me for 6 months. eat everything you throw in. $170 for all. Would only prefer to sell it all at once.
  13. Selling jebao wp 40 $40 Pm
  14. Hi Looking for vortech mp10 Pls pm
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