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  1. 2.5x2.5x2.5 tank for sale with sump Please offer - viewing and collection@ east side - sms 98072802
  2. hi I have a 2' cube tank for sale about 1+ year old You can reach me @ 93629981
  3. used AP. found it to be cheap and quite good
  4. how does this denitrator compare with the deltec model?
  5. thanks for the info guys! If it gets any larger .......
  6. Hi I found a very tiny nudibranch ( i think ) say like 2 mm gliding in my tank. is it safe to let it remain or should i remove it? Please advise
  7. i heard that aragonite sand is dissolves ( very very slowly )... Can aragnonite be a natural substitute for Calcium? Appreciate any advice thanks!
  8. mkt


    thanks for info! Hmmm...why is target feeding a problem? It is because they can't catch the food fed to them? Cheers!
  9. I have a pink cauliflower coral that seems to be all shrunken. Does not expand day or night.... Sometimes i wonder if it's still alive. Has anybody experienced a similar situation with caulis? Appreciate any remedial advices!
  10. has anyone tried feeding market prawn to bubbles?
  11. mkt

    FOC Anemone

    1 Anemone to give simei to collect
  12. Hi - are turbo snails friendly to corals? are their diet strictly constrained to algae? Apprecite any advice!
  13. hi - am using an aquabee to drive my skimmer and a Eheim for the sump return to tank. Experience: Aquabee is very quiet while the Eheim seems to vibrate a lot( and it does generate quite some heat ). It's the vibration on the pipe and sump tank that cause the noise - eventhough you may seat the pump very tightly and put in cotton/sponge to absorb the vibration. if you do a search on "hum, humming" etc on any of the other forums you will probably find similar reasons. cheers
  14. oh everything's within limits and looks stable. NO3 is about 15 and NO2 is 0 will keep monitoring.
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