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Everything posted by Slayer213

  1. Im sorry, i dun know about pricings.. As i frequent lfs alot, im not comfortable in discussing prices. It can/did become quite a sensitive issue... however, fellow reefers who knows pricing, please chime in. Although it would b best if prices are discussed discreetly thru PMs. )
  2. Thank you for your kind words bro! I can understand most lfs out of the way for many reefers, especially those without transport... since im already there, might as well make my trips more meaningful and fruitful!
  3. Ah beng @ 1300: Someone looking for blue sponge? Peppermint shrimp... Flameback balance about 7...
  4. Iwarna @ 1230: Someone looking for sohal(one and only piece), small yt? Vanderbilt balance 4pieces... helfrichi, black tang, spanish flag, swissguard, leopard, flame wrasse, bluelip, yellowhead, grammica, rhomboid....
  5. Ah beng @ 1230: Someone looking for sailfin tang? Juvenile swallowtail angel, yasha, small frog... A beautiful alpha dispar anthia
  6. Vanderbilt chromis from Mauritius still available at iwarna. Nice and not ao common fish... Image taken from web
  7. I think iwarna still has 2 males and a female flame wrasse this morning...
  8. Iwarna @ 1300: Shipment just arrived... Juvenile 3inch regal angel x2
  9. Emerald is sold out at iwarna, i think came in a few pieces only...
  10. Ah beng @ 1100: Royal gramma, lots of flame, clowns, bt, fiery red shrimp, saffron... and the usual stuff
  11. Depends on what kind you looking for, if the normal ones, ah beng shld have... comes with 2 sizes. If you are looking for bigger better quality one, aquarist chamber has one, acrylic self essembled one, its very nice and good quality, comes in 2 sizes as well. Of course price will be higher...
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