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Everything posted by marcvelous

  1. what red thing??!?!?! Glad to hear you are finally transferring your stuff into the tank from the tub! Hopefully, the red thing is not referring to my blood shrimp! Let me know when I can come and look see look see your new setup! CHeers!
  2. Hey! You are blessed with copepods! These creatures are very handy as food for mandarin fish! Actually I think many fishes will recognise them for food, like dotty-backs. If you do fancy mandarin fish, then you're lucky to not have to try to ween them to eat prepared foods! Cheers!
  3. I got two gobies. One yellow watchman and one gold headed sleeper goby. In the day, the yellow watchman will perch on the sandbed on left side of my tank while the gold head swim around chomping on sand and burying the entrance to its hideout. At night, both sleep in the same cave on the right side of me tank! Very amusing to watch and juz to answer your question, yes, they survive singly coz i only recently introduced my gold head goby
  4. If you wanna CURE ich, then you gotta get ich medication but do read the label carefully and avoid those with copper especially if you have corals!!! Garlic is more for PREVENTION and IMMUNITY but as long as your fish eat heartily should be able to recover. As for dosing garlic into tank, I can share with you that I used to do that every other day in small amounts (approx. 1~2 screw thread of the cap) into my tank. The LS seems to love it! Dash to the surface into the small cloud whenever I do that. No unsavoury side effects on my tank. Just my experience
  5. Not likely you will need to upgrade from 2 x 150W as it good enough for 4ft. Also having 2 150W bulbs at each end of the tank means well spread lighting. Coz light travel in straight line, even if you have 1 x 250W in the centre, the sides likely to be blocked if you have many rocks. My me two cents... well well... I selling my MH. 2 x 150W; 10,000K... Currently reserved but if buyer backs out then maybe you can consider
  6. Glad to hear that some fish prefer alternative food choice but still doesn't really fix the problem unless the fish that eat other fish poo also eat its own poo, right? To find out which powerhead (for circulation) is suitable for your tank, use the very handy conversion tool on this site to calculate your tank's volume. Then based on your tank's volume, buy a powerhead that is rated for your tank. If you running an overflow system and a sump, can try to get a more powerful return pump to increase water turnover rate. More water being pumped from sump into main tank also means more water overflow and go into your sump after passing through the filter column. So long as your water current can keep the detritus floating/suspended, there is high chance that they will drop into the overflow and filtered out. Or if you super kia-su, can use both methods... Heh heh heh
  7. Why do you need a powerhead in your tank when your canister is rated at 1200l/hr? What is the method of return? Did you install your rain bar above the water level? That means there'd be splash and you cannot make full use of the canister's power to circulate the water. What is the rating of your powerhead? If too powerful, you may have livestock casualty when your fish and other stuff get sucked into the powerhead and killed. Worse, if you intend to keep anemone, if the anemone gets killed by your powerhead, your tank will be nuked. It is not necessary to hang the prawn on a thread. Hitchhikers like bristleworms and crabs are part of the package that comes with liverocks. Beware, bristleworms can grow to be very large and when they do, they attack fishes, as do your crabs. That is why people think of many creative ways to catch/trap crabs. These buggers have good way to hide in the rocks's internal maze and is almost impossible to eradicate. That is why I have sworn by dead rocks ever since. Somehow, the ammonia spike will NOT kill your bristleworms or crabs. There is no good way to remove bristleworms. People tried hupo-salinity, freshwater dips, airing, oxygen deprivation, etc. I tried a combination of all the above mentioned methods and after removing more than 30 worms, still find some that survived! Is are the rocks and sand the way you want them to be? One scaping idea to push the sand to the back so that you have thicker sandbed at the back to create some visual depth to your tank. Yes, so long as your fish got place to hide and you are happy with the way it looks, then it is good enough.
  8. My Agogo (clown sweetlips) actually used to keep for over two months until I introduced two debileus reef lobsters into my tank. Even though termed as reef safe and I have no solid proof, I think my lobsters started killing my fishes at night coz every morning will find my fish have some injuries and die soon after with wounds on their bodies. Anyways, my agogo used to just peck at rocks and the sandbed for food. It's great fun to watch coz of their wavvy pattern when they swim, like dancing agogo!
  9. then you'd need something that clear the poo of the thing that clear your fish poo Then you'd need something that clear the poo of the thing that clear the poo of the thing that clear your fish poo See what I'm getting at? Good filter and skimmer should be able to solve your problem. Just me two cents
  10. my juv emperor angel also like to nip on my tubeworms... at first okay but later start to bite more and more. so I catch and place in prison (aka beta box) and try to start to feed only pellets and hopefully make it understand only pellets are food anyone got better idea pls let me know
  11. MH tentatively reserved by ah~siao Will post again if buyer backs out.
  12. Issit? I used to keep clown sweetlips with my 4 cleaner shrimps and 2 fire shrimps without any problems leh...
  13. but both mushies and polyps are filter feeders so need to get liquid food for corals!
  14. Huh...? What do you mean by send out the sweetlips? You mean Agogo, a.k.a. Clown Sweetlips? What does the agogo do? Very interested...
  15. Issit? Aiyoh... me pay double loh...!!! Anyways, is only $1 difference... and I buy froma few places all sell @ $2 so maybe you always go to that LFS and you super buddy with them that's why loh I just go to the LFS near my place. Small price to pay for convenience lah. Travel so far need transport fee also. Heh heh heh....
  16. That's why I like to use NSW also. Mixing is simply too troublesome what with having to treat the tap water first then mix in salt slowly to the desired salinity. Actually I think most LFS sell $2 for about 6~8 litres so two packets is quite manageable. If you have car, buying 6 packets at one go should be okay too, but strictly up to individual loh... Last time I self-mix, simply pour in the anti-c/c and then put salt. Don't even bother to pump air for 24 hours. Still okay leh but now tank so small so usually one packet NSW is enough. Small got small good!
  17. Ya lor... Long but educational and interesting... If you scared about bandwidth issues, can email me privately for the algae article?
  18. Yes, that's it! BTW, pinocchio, ever wonder why they dose chlorine in the pool and tap water?! Is to kill bacteria!!!!! So if you don't have anti-chlorine/chloramine and attempt to start to cycle your tank, you may have problem. I don't know much about this coz never read on trying to cycle with chlorine in tank...
  19. Aiyoh... play mahjong only so secretive ... too bad I amateur in "dry swimming" or else can join you but must say first that I got no corals to lose! Read from your other thread that your sump cracked? How come? Remember last time I saw still okay albeit a little small? When you finally move everything back to your tank, don't forget your invitation hor! There's something you shouldn't transfer back into your tank too!
  20. Is it just me or did anyone see the overflow box which I didn't? So gonna have long pvc pipe protruding from the base of the tank like roman columns? Hole for pipe looks kinda small to induce high water turn-over rate. And yeah... limited access is gonna give problems
  21. ehhh.... I no expert but see your top up area like very small opening. If got water sure bound to have algae after long time. how you intend to clean? Also, how your water top-up compartment work? Assuming you using T.U.B.B.Y. still need to cater for pump and pipes right? No filtration tower? What will you be using to trap solid waste? my 2 cents worth
  22. Since you mentioned, if you using tapwater (different area in Singapore have different quality) and using anti-chlorine, get those that remove chlorine and chloramine. I think Seachem have one such product. Actually, I think buy 6 packets of sea-water from LFS enough liao. I top up with distilled water. About 80 cents' worth per week.
  23. Hi, can let me know where to collect and when can confirm?
  24. Huh...? What is "the rest all on"? So secretive leh...
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