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Everything posted by solasido

  1. Hi bro, Use fine fishing line. Make some ties with diameter large enough for the crab legs to get tangled. Fine Polyethylene line is not so visible to the crab. Ambush the crab, once it's position is open enough, use a long pincer to aim the fishing line to the crab legs. Crab tend to stay put to minimize movement to avoid being visible. This is an advantage as it gives us chance to round it's pincers or legs with the fishing line. Once it get entangled, hold fast the line to prevent it to escape. You can then use any tool to crush and kill it. It was how I managed to catch a gorilla crab that ate my sps. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. Hi bro, Tropic marine salt - what is your salinity? At SG 0.025 Ca should be around 380 I am using Tropic marine too and initially I didn't understand why such branded and expensive salt has low Ca, Mg and dKh. But now I see the benefit. Lower Ca, Mg, dKh allow us to adjust according to our current tanks parameter to minimize fluctuation when doing water changes. Salt with very high dKh, Ca, and Mg like RedSea Pro will not allow us to do this. Imagine if your Ca is already too high and you want to bring it down. This is not to say that salt with high Ca dKh and Mg is not good. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Hi bro, Try dosing carbon source e.g. Vodka, biofuel, etc. It helps me last time. It takes 2-3 weeks after regular dosing to see the algae gone. If problem still persists then reduce bioload. My tank is 20g and I do not even have a sump and the tank is full of SPS and LPS plus 2 clowns plus 4 shrimps. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. I think, probably because equipments are made in the US or Germany and are traded in US$. Therefore it is not cheap in Thailand. If not wrong Chingchai, the Thai guy who built giant tank in his home; bought all his equipments from ReefDepot Singapore. From his thread, Corals seem to be cheaper there.
  5. anyone has tried buying live stock from BKK to Singapore? I may be going there mid this month.
  6. Hi all, I am posting on behalf of Arrowhead as he received many queries and unable to update here. Clam and sponge already reserved. Brain still available.
  7. Actually, if you are a fish guy and corals are just for make the tank more interesting, I am suggesting using fake corals. Then you will not worry about coral safe fish that will nip or eat the corals. You can add marine plant to make the tank colorful.
  8. They have ever growing tooth. Best is always give them food that it can crush to keep the tooth growth in check. When the tooth is too big they will refuse to eat and die. When properly kept they can live extending to 10-15 years. I have been keeping greens potted puffer for 1.5 years in brackish water.
  9. They are more interested in crustacean especially the live ones. But you can try market prawn. Trick it using some movement to mimick live prawn. You can feed cockles or other clams too. It will hunt snails too.
  10. It is called "Tank warming" Happy new year, all!
  11. Whoa, nice rescaping, bro. The sps-es are awesome. When fragging again?
  12. In Singapore our water is very clean. Our new water is from reverse osmosis process. Hence DI alone is sufficient. Our tab water TDS reading is generally below 100. In the US it can be as hight as 400.
  13. Aquastar most selling freshwater. But got some saltwater (not consistently available). I started my fish hobby buying equipments from this shop before knowing all others
  14. My mum helps me take care of my tank when I am on holiday. But I need to prepare everything ready and precise, so that she just performs standard simple maintenance (change filter wool, top up Carbonate/calcium/magnesium in the morning, top up at night. Feed fish once a day with e.g. max 10 grains of food). I think you could use the same approach so that you would just need to monitor the tank, check parameters every few days
  15. very nice SPSes, bro! hope can see your tank when collecting some test-kits/glue this Sat
  16. Hi bro, Just sharing my experience in bringing down NO3. My tank size is exactly the same as yours; but I do not have any sump. Previously my NO3 was between 5ppm - 10ppm. I have weekly 15-20% water change. Eversince, I started dosing BioFuel; NO3 is now around <1ppm. I guess any kind of carbon dosing will help.
  17. Hi Guys, Just sharing this. I have a small plate coral (about 50c coin size) placed on top of sand. My pistol shrimp, yesterday start shifting sands and it covered the plate coral about 1-2 cm deep. I didn't realize last night that the plate coral was covered by sand (else I would have quickly pull it up). To my surprise this morning; I saw it half-body appearing from sand. I believe it emerged itself. This is my first encounter; hence feeling amazed by it
  18. I never feed my hammer directly. But I feed zooplankton twice a week in the tank. I guess, it will be able to filter the food from the water. In the past few months, I have clown fish hosting on it. I believe the fish poo will be the hammer's food now
  19. bro, cuba tengok di "Sell off/Pasar Malam Shop" ataukah juga di "Swop Shop".
  20. oh, I didn't ask them the price. They have the fish ready packed; 3 fish a pack.
  21. Went to Ah Beng today. Got a lot of baby blue tang (about 1 inch size)
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