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  1. my normal red mushroom shrunk up after my starfish died. The other corals have fully recovered, but the mushrooms are VERY VERY VERY slowly opening up. probably opening up 1-2cm over a couple of weeks. Will they recover eventually? Henry told me that mushies take a longer time and as long as they don't disintegrate away they should recover in time? My green mushroom have new polyps growing from the side and the main mushie is opening up, again, very very very very slowly
  2. Noob here, but i realized that there are the curly and non-curly type of hammer. prolly yours is the curly type? if you mean its shrunken that's why appears curly then i'm wrong
  3. Are those big polyp blastos considered high grade? they look colorful.. i wonder how much they cost.
  4. Is it a new addition? look weird. but i do notice my plate coral turn into some weird shape after being shifted. it should get back in shape in a day. those white color spots.. isit the hard part revealing?
  5. Is it true that gonio don't do well in the tank in the long run? read various articles that they just degenerate away over time. i just got mine from GO as boss say it shouldn't be a difficult coral for newbie. so far the coral is doing well and fully extended. but im just afraid for the long run
  6. i have a spot in my tank with very high flow and high light (top part of my tank, where the wavemaker is. its an open spot where i can put corals. thought xenia can tahan the strong flow.. but like kena sweep away and donwan open LOL. anyone can recommend any other species?
  7. I actually quite itchy backside.. added my Plate coral only after 4days of tank cycling. it never died and opened fully the next day. so IMO, i think plate is the easiest. I'm really a marine newbie (Freshwater whole life), and my hammer and plates are doing well. Next I'm going to try bubble coral.. and hope to find a nice and colorful candycane (i think they are the more ex ones in the list above right?
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