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Everything posted by Kakani

  1. New will be good but if budget 2nd hand it does the work.
  2. Tank sold!!!!! Following Item for sales and FOC. Aquazonic black T5 2ft 4 tube 2 white & 2 blue (less then 3 months) - $30 (SOLD) Bubble magus 3.5 - $80 (Reserved) Live rock around 10kg to 20kg (Some with nice coraline algae). - $20 (SOLD) Sixline warrase (7 month), damselfish x 2 (3 month) Cleaning Shrimps "7cm" (7 month) - (Taken)
  3. Tank sold!!!!! Following Item for sales and FOC. Aquazonic black T5 2ft 4 tube 2 white & 2 blue (less then 3 months) - $30 (SOLD) Bubble magus 3.5 - $80 (Reserved) Live rock around 10kg to 20kg (Some with nice coraline algae). - $20 (Must take all) Sixline warrase (7 month), damselfish x 2 (3 month) Cleaning Shrimps "7cm" (7 month) - (Taken)
  4. Tank sold!!!!! Following Item for sales and FOC. Aquazonic black T5 2ft 4 tube 2 white & 2 blue (less then 3 months) - $30 (Reserved) Bubble magus 3.5 - $80 (Reserved) Live rock around 10kg to 20kg (Some with nice coraline algae). - $20 (Must take all) Sixline warrase (7 month), damselfish x 2 (3 month) Cleaning Shrimps "7cm" (7 month) - FOC (Must take all)
  5. Intend to give all the lifestock... NOT SELLING...
  6. Tank sold!!!!! Following Item for sales and FOC. Aquazonic black T5 2ft 4 tube 2 white & 2 blue (less then 3 months) - $30 Bubble magus 3.5 - $80 Live rock around 10kg to 20kg (Some with nice coraline algae). - $20 (Must take all) Sixline warrase (7 month), damselfish x 2 (3 month) Cleaning Shrimps "7cm" (7 month) - $10 (Must take all)
  7. Bro interested in Bio Fuel and NH4 test kits...
  8. Wts the follwing tank. 2ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft. Front glass is cystral clear glass. This tank come with sump also and external overflow box. Selling together with the following item: BM NAC 3.5 (less then 1 yrs) Aqua Zonic (less then 2 mths) Halie 2 litres pump Live rock Leave over sand and coral chip new. All for 250. Note hindge need to be change. Tank about 1 yrs +.
  9. Have a sump will be must better and easily to manage your tank. Your main tank how many mm thick???
  10. Clown fish and anemone avalible to be given away anyone
  11. Yellow tang avalible for sales again. Tang size 10cm to 12cm
  12. Fish, coral & seahorse all reserver
  13. Green anemone and clown fish - free (Must take both) Seahorse x2 - ($10) Bubble coral - $15 Yellow Tang - $20 (7cm) MH 5ft 150W x 2 with 2 T8 tube - $80
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