Last 2 week having problem fighting with Cyano & hairline algae. But after 1 week of daily dosing of Brightwell Mirco bacter 7. My hairline algae and Cyano is greatly reduce. I am running on NP Bio pellet i believe that my cyano is also taking it as a carbon food source. So during dosing of bacteria i stop my bio pellet. After 3 to 4 days, i slowly add vodka in but small amount around 1ml. After 1 week i test my water parameter No3- 0 and Po4- 0. I believe bacteria is still the best way in removing organic Po4 & No3. 1 week not running my bio pellet the pellet all turn black don't know why it will turn to black colour. So now currently i am using bacteria and vodka dosing method i attach some link for guide on vodka dosing. I might use back my bio pellet once i see greater improve in my tank condition. For vodka i am using Absolute Vodka if go airport and buy will cost less around $25 for 1 litres bottle.
This link explain the pro and cons for vodka dosing: http://www.h2oplusom...eping&Itemid=64
This link explain the table for dosing: http://www.reefkeepi.../nftt/index.php