Selling the following item and equipment (All equipment is under 2 year and still under warrenty for some of the item) Equipment only can collect after fish clear:
Main tank with sump and cabinet 4ft x 2ft x 2ft :$500 (Tankmaker N30. Collect only after live rock and fish sold.)
Eheim 1260: $120 (Still under warrenty.)
Arctita JBJ Chiller: $500 (Still under warrenty.)
DE Lighting 4ft 4 tubes x 54W: $250 (Tubes 5 months old)
Live Rock : $70 (Must take all. Note: Rock got copper before. Enough to fill 4ft tank.)
Bubble Magus BM150 Skimmer : $150 (Running on aqueebee 2000 litre pump)
Townsend Queen Angel (4"+): $220
Majectics Angel (Near to 5") : $50