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Everything posted by Kakani

  1. Africa shipment landed at LCK * Chrysurus Angel - (medium & lg) * Bluestriped Fang Blenny * Mossambicus Blenny * Leopard Wrasse * Exquisite Wrasse * Candy Cane Wrasse * Blue-striped Pipe Fish * Yellow Boxfish * Black Boxfish * Spotted Sandperch Holiday Offer * African Pygmy Angel (Flameback Angel) - $22.00 * Midas Blenny - $30.00 * Carberryi Anthias - $12.00 Cheers
  2. LCK AT, French, Queen all eating pellet. LCK AT still got 10+ pieces left got small to medium and left one XXL all eat pellet.
  3. Selling vietnam carpet anemone. Please not under blue led lighting very nice and bright orange but my phone camera unable to capture the real colour. $25
  4. Need chaeto anyone got any to let go prefer west side.
  5. WTS Scoly $140 WTS SPS Frag $10 1) 2) WTS SPS colony $25
  6. LCK got 10+ AT from small to XL. Juv queen around 4"+, french angel 3", flame angel.
  7. SPS selling at LCK 3 for $90. Expect Red dragon selling at $50. Fruitful trip down to lck today. Some of the sps picture taken.
  8. No choice you need to copper take all your fish out to copper. I know how you feel as I got this in my tank before. And lose alot of fish too.
  9. Reserved thank all for the PM
  10. This frag is very stable and with me for 2 months. Selling about 3" frag with muti branch. Picture taken by phone. $50
  11. Got small in size very small I never really see careful maybe got.
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