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Posts posted by Raymondteo

  1. Dear all, have few pieces of red monti with white polyps for sale ( ranging from 1" to 3", price is from $10 to $20). one frag of golden cloves with about 15 to 16 big polyps, selling at $30. Radioactive green BN with multiple branches (selling from $10 to $15). A 3" german blue digital (multiple branch) selling at $18. and also Pink BN selling at cheap (frag on the spot), interested parties, pls sms or whatsapp me at 96382799, free gift for every purchases :superman: , whatsapp me or sms me for pictures, Location: Woodlands, thank you and have a good day! :thumbsup:

  2. Bro, what do you feed your corals with twice a week? Can sell me a purple monti frag? Bought a monti that I thought was purple but 3 months later turn red. Sianz!
    Hi bro, I feed them with Polyp Lab Reef-Roid and oyster feast. For the monti, actually, it's a red monti with white polyps under when it is under white light, it turns purple with blue polyps when my blue LED lights are on. :)
  3. 1 year 10 months and the sps growth is an eye opener. Congrats n a well deserved TOTM! What is your routine maintenance? How often Do you feed your tank?
    Thanks bro, my routine maintenance: 1. Weekly water change, about 60 L, but will probably change it to bi-weekly soon. 2. Change activate carbon monthly. 3. Feed corals twice a week. Feed the fishes 3 to 4 times a week. 4. Dose RedSea energy A&B daily.
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