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Everything posted by darter

  1. Very nice tank la! Another inspiration for me.
  2. So to say, cannister is not a good form of filtering tools for a.marine tank? What if a tank i have does not have any holes for piping to sump? How to do this?
  3. Hi reefers, Can any one help me with a blue print for a simple 2ft x 1.5ft x 2ft tank with over flow to sump. Think i will go to kelantan land to find the frame maker to make my tank. Unsure of how to do a blue print for the uncle. Thanks in advance. Coffee on me when you visit Qian Hu where i work!
  4. Very nice tank bro! Can pm mi the cost of ur tank? Thanks
  5. Looking forward to seeing your pics. Am planning a tank of my own too!
  6. Is the any different using glass or arcylic for sump?
  7. Is chiller a must? My room temp is in the 27-28 degree range.
  8. If thats the case, will custom a 2ft cube. Will not be doing my tank at qh. How much is a typical 2ft cube with sump?
  9. That can be solve. But need to solve the equipment first. Haha. Is the ocean free nano space 36l good ebuff for them? Cos good price ma.
  10. Hi Mr Tang, Very nice seahorse. May i ask, what tank set up are you using? I am going to set up one for my bedroom soon. Need help from gurus like you.
  11. Hi Reefers, Got permission to set up a seahorse tank in the room. New to marine tank so loads of questions to ask. 1. What tank size is optimum. Wide or tall tank? 2. Being completely new to marine tank, what equipment do i need. I read there are skimmers, refugium? 3. Do i need a chiller? I have access to tank as i work at Qian Hu. Haha. But being a freshwater fish farm, we have limited reef keeping items.And i know, the best knowledge comes from forummers here. Planning keeping just 2 pairs of seahorse and 2 clowns. Can someone guide me tru this setup? Thanks guys. Any reefers coming to QH, i treat kopi!
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