Fantastic help guys. Decided to go with a 40cm cube with a extra 10cm depth for internal ios at the back. Cant do sump as its a table top tank.
Gonna design the ios a d go kelantan lane to do the tank. 8mm glass should be enough for this volume right? Any help on the ios design. 10cm depth enough to house the BM e3?
What is the biggest HOB filter for40cm cube tank?
Or i should custom make a 40x50x40cm cube with the extra 10am at the back for ios. Enough space for a ios?
Thanks bro. Was worried that running withoit a filter, the least i need is a skimmer to skim the bad things away.
Is it ok for a 40cm cube tank with just a pair of clowns do without a mechanical filtration?
Just order a 40cm Cube 8mm glass. Bare tank with no IOS. Rather have more real estate for a nice scape
Most people advise against the skimmer. Im trying to do away with a filter and use a skimmer with LR combo. Something like the bubble magus e3 looks good enough?
Just wanted a tank to keep a pair of Clownfish and a pair of goby+shrimp. What would you suggest?
30cm Cube with no filter, just LR and a skimmer with regular water change
30cm cube with IOS?
Any help here?
If i chose a tank design without holes for a sump, Can i use those overflow box to draw water from my main tank to a sump tank below the holding table and channel the water back to the main tank via a returning pump?
Very Nice tank bro.
Im planning my new tank soon. Still deciding if i should get the OF34L or get a tank set from Vincent. Dont like the idea of using a sump so might just be going with LR and a skimmer. Do you think its enough?