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Everything posted by colbruce

  1. Lionfish. Nothing is as beautiful to watch. Nothing embodies the danger and beauty of the seas like this majestic creature. They are calm and seemingly gentle, yet come with venomous spines that can deliver painful stings to any who approach too closely. These members of the scorpionfish family are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific Oceans, The Red Sea, and The Arabian Gulf. But like many beautiful creatures, they often pop up where they don’t belong. The lionfish has been introduced by man to the Atlantic Ocean. They have been dumped from aquarium owners’ tanks into the sea. Movies made them popular to own and then carelessly discard. This fish does not belong in our waters, and has no natural predators. It is believed that the first lionfish were introduced into marine waters off Florida in the early 1990s from local aquariums or fish hobbyists. They have since spread across much of the Caribbean Sea and north along the United States coast as far as Rhode Island.
  2. Just set up my shrimp tank! So far it only has two RCS in it. The rest died in the mail unfortunately. But I should have some more on the way eventually. Right now both are females and one looks to be as if it is berried. The tank is a 5g cylindrical tank (acrylic). It has very fine white sand substrate, some wisteria, and a crypt. Also I may have some java moss in there. I have a single airstone and a DIY sponge filter. I used cycled media from my established tank to set it up. I also managed to tape a LED light to the lid of the tank which was no easy task. Unfotunately it's only colored LED lights so the brightest one I could get was purpleish. It's alright for a night light I suppose haha. The tank is in front of a window facing south so it should get lots of sunlight. I just hope I don't get algae. Next I want to get some more shrimp for this tank. More RCS and some Blue Tigers. I dunno if CRS will cross breed with RCS. If they don't then I might get some of those. Next I want to get some moss balls and get a good piece of driftwood covered with java moss for the shrimp. And I might get a snail.. who knows. Or perhaps some endlers. Haha the options are endless.
  3. I am thinking of getting a pair seahorses and putting them into a 10 gallon (tall) tank. i keep many aquariums but never seahorse and was wondering if this is possible? the tank is rather small but i was hoping there were smaller species that could be kept in this tank(not dwarves though). it is 18 inches tall tank and was hopeing for a pair, and possible a fish to eat any uneaten food that drops to the bottom. what species would be best suited to the aquarium? What single fish could i put into the tank for clean-up? Any help is much appreciated.
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