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  1. i will take ur seahorses bro are they on frozen foods

  2. Thank you for all the inquiries and interest. The fish tank, filter canister and chiller is SOLD.

    I need to quickly get rid of the live stock before the end of this week. Any takers?

  3. I have a running set-up with Livestock and Coral and everything is up for sale. I still love keeping marine but do not have time to maintain the set-up now. My set consists of a 1) Red Sea Max 130D (1 yrs 8 mths old) -- $600. I still have the Red Sea set-up DVD which came with the tank. 2) External EHEIM 2026 filter canistor ( 2 yrs 3 mths old). Re-furnished by dealer with new O rings, etc. on 12/06/2011. -- $150 3) Resun CL280 (11 mths old). New temp sensor installed on 17/09/2011. -- $120 4) Fish stock includes Blue Tang (2.5 inch), Clownfish (2 inch), Six-line wrasse, Yellow tail damsel, coral banded shrimp, hermit crab, sally light foot crab, seahorse, snails. -- Available at half the market price. 5) Corals includes a elegance, cocoon, 2 small jewels, etc -- Available at half the market price. 6) Supporting accessories like Koralia -1 wave maker, Sunsun wave maker which I use for mixing the salt water, hydrometer, test kit etc 7) AquaPham bottle supplements, filter media etc. Still quite a few unopened bottles. I could sell them item by item, but may need a little more time if someone wants the chiller or canistor before I get rid of the corals. The canistor is driving the water through the chiller and back to the tank. Ideally, I hope to find a buyer who is taking over majority of the stuff. Interested party could contact me @ 9733 4984. We could arrange for viewing @Toa Payoh. No obligations. The buyer would need to arrange his own transportation.
  4. Hi. Are u still looking for a quick setup? I have a red sea max 130d complete with an Ehiem filter canister and a Resun CL280 chiller, fish, corals and live rock. Contact me at 97334984 (Simon) if you are keen . Price is negotiable.
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