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Everything posted by blackcell

  1. Anyone seen green chapter setup ? I think it's a pretty simple and straight forward build.
  2. This is really useful but How to build in hdb toilet ?
  3. Latest picture after feeding.. Some of my zoas need to stick on LR, keeping falling on sand bed.
  4. I try the last time, the quotation quite Crazy too..
  5. I think most likely, they need to build in the living room.. I don't think can fit into a hdb lift.
  6. Max razor easier to manage and good spread. I have use it since nov for a 5ft tank. I seriously want to try other brand like ATI for SPS purpose.
  7. I guess you need to order online.. I haven't yet seen a reefer that has one in singapore.. This setup is popular in the USA..
  8. Maybe 3ft width. Lol.. Jeffery from west coast given a better pricing.. I think will work with him this project.. I am going to try out zeovit too for this setup..
  9. This time, I am going to try something different hence the height.
  10. Fish quarantine before introduction is important.. I really need this in my new tank system..
  11. Most wrasse & trigger eat clams.. It's will try to topple it and attack from the back.. Try to epoxy to live rock to avoid mishap.
  12. I spoke to tank maker but I think quotation quite high.. Any recommendation ? They quote almost 10k for whole setup with cabinet, 15mm tank double pump, pipping etc.. 8ft x 2ft x 2ft.
  13. Tempted to change tank soon so easier for me to place corals.. Everytime got to use ladder.. The things you do for love
  14. 1 week ago Finally 50% water change after 9 months.. I use NSW this time.. Maybe will do a premixed salt water change the next time..
  15. After the cowfish died, followed by large tigger.. Since 1 week.. No more victim.. Need to quarantine new fishes before main tank.. When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...
  16. Lighting and flow is important in SPS keeping.. Your water parameter must be stable too.. That why is recommend only after 3month or more then SPS keeping.. In the beginning, I lost a lot of coral due to lighting as its not strong enough or short timing.. Now it's good strong 8hrs and different setting thru out the day and ever since its been great !! When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...
  17. Hi bro, once you get your tank.. You still need your old tank to quarantine fishes and coral before you move it to your main tank.. The reason why people do this.. As most fishes, coral contain some form of pest, infection etc.. So this way, you don't risk outbreak in your tank.. The other thing you must know is that all live rocks you buy has hitchhikers that often tough to remove as they deep in the holes of the rocks.. Please cure/treat your rocks before scape or placing in your main tank.. Remember to use gloves when handling this, the rocks has bacterial or spikes from the pests which is not visible to the eye, this can leading to bacterial infection. This happen once to me and my poor wife while helping me, we use our bare hands, the infection took 2 months to clear. Let me know if you need help on sourcing tank etc.. We could meet up and have kopi.. My reef friend kenyee will also be a great help and advise you before you start a tank with sump.. When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...
  18. It's a expensive hobby bro.. Test kit is a must in marine up keeping.. Redsea ones are expensive but they are reliable.. Salifert is reasonable too.. When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...
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