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Everything posted by Cruzer

  1. . Just return from Beng, new coral shipment just arrived. Saw open brain, hammer, bubbles & plate etc. fish wise the usual ones.
  2. . I always see small yellow watchman at either AM or ML. U can try there.
  3. Hi nice green mushroom, can pm me the cost. Thks
  4. sorry to hijack, I always tot pure drinking water is referring to distiller water . Eg ntuc pure drinking water. Been using ntuc pure drinking water for water top up and change
  5. i believe they are available from irwana. bought two, 2 wks ago. saw many left in the tank.
  6. Sorry not sure why the pic refused to show up, only link reflected. One of the pic show the biggest monitor lizard i ever saw..
  7. . Saw several bags of the same eel at Irawana yesterday. I think they are known as garden eel. Cute looking.
  8. Many lps eg bubbles,hammer etc and sps at AM. Saw 1 yasha next to the seahorse tank too. The rest other normal fish. Several new arrived clams too
  9. Most lfs should sell normal sand. I bought mine from y618. Grade wise not sure but very fine.
  10. Hi is the 24"x12"x12" IOS tank still available?
  11. not sure abt purple tank but yellow tang cleared my tank of long hair algae within 1 wk. now can't even find a single strand of hair algae
  12. Swee, can share where u got it from and the cost? Thks
  13. Nice tank you have but abit high on bioload especially when u do not have a skimmer. Have to maintain a strict schedule of WC regulary.
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