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Everything posted by siglap

  1. pic 2 is a torch pic 3 is a hammer. i got it too pic 4 if i am not wrong it should be a type of tree coral or cauliflower
  2. truely makes sense. though a bit sexists and ladies will never agree thats them
  3. believe most will fight if war really happens. everone will be scared but still i believe most will do the right thing that is to stay and defend the nation. like what william wallace said 'its all for nothing without freedom"
  4. check the calcium level. corals depend quite a lot on it
  5. hi can you guys tell me where to buy fish traps?
  6. can give me address of lfs and their name as many as possible.
  7. saw the bugger go into the bottle but snap too fast the mantis darted out. must try all over again. a simple way is to use a glass bottle tie a string around its neck, put some bait in it and lie it horizontal on the sand bed. go do somthing for an hour and come back to check on it every now and then. when it is in the bottle, pull the string and make the bottle stand vertically, then it is quite hard for him to escape. and you can do whatever you want to it chances are you will either catch him feasting on the bait of you will see the bait totally gone which means that it has already taken the food and left.
  8. try placing them upright not upside down and what snails didi you add?
  9. are all coralline algae purple in color?
  10. i read a lot about mantis today and i finally understand what the worm like creature my (ex)dottyback attacked was a mantis. i vow vengence for both the dottyback and (ex)gobies tonight i will carry out operation anti-mantis wish me luck! to those who wonder whether the mysterious clicking sound has somthing to do with your disapparing livestock better do a check and if it is due to mantis, show no mercy cause you will recieve none!
  11. how big normally would the shrimp be i think i saw one before and my dottyback actually attacked it but it got away. i heard clicking sound before and i saw my skunk darting . need help.
  12. freak! might be due to pollution in the sea. but bro you sure got a gem there
  13. a cottage in scotland with a river at the backyard
  14. i feed my tube worms with white snow. i was told they are filter feeders
  15. gobies are record holders in commiting suicide . but is there any spieces that sift sand and yet dont jump that much?
  16. brilliant shrimp why not cut one hand off the star fish and put the rest into a floating cage. the star will not die and the harlequin will get its food. and i totally disapprove the idea of harvesting from the wild in singapore i think sooner or later there will be none left
  17. safty most important. rather spend more $ than be sorry
  18. turbo snails will improve the condition. but it poos a lot and the tracks it lifts behind is still slightly visible
  19. tube comes cheaper got mine at $1 but the normal ones. there are also $ 4 $10 tube worms .nicer so more expensive. coco worms are costlier. coming in at ard $10 or $28
  20. got mine from eaquarist. stop at kembangan take 42 and stop two stops after turning into siglap dr. bowmont centre will be right behind you and should be able to locate eaquarists
  21. i got a fan coral it is brown in color and blooms blue flower that is very pretty. but the flowers come and go frequently is that normal. also i know it enjoys strong current but constantpressure seem to make it slant to the side. pls help
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