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Everything posted by siglap

  1. it doesnt matter what you are during nsf but whether you do 'maintenance' after you discharge.
  2. yes its not very big. tangs are pretty big fish and thay grow quickly if the ones in your tank are small, i think maybe getting another tang is not such a good idea. though mine is only a two feet
  3. actually my cleaner does search the sand bed for food as for detritus why not get a goby.
  4. pistol are not good cause they will kill the cleaner
  5. the tank also need to be big enough. how big is yours?
  6. ok blue tang are super prone to white spots it might not that good a idea now.
  7. corals are not affected by white spots so not to worry
  8. in your case i think unless you see you tang s having difficulty breathing or any major anormalities. it is okay to leave them in there. are they still eating well?
  9. well if it is that long they probably will be fine. fishes especially tangs are prone to white spots. all fishes are not 100% clean. if they are stressed out they will be prone to white spots. you will notice the fishes that have spent a long time in your tank will not be so easily infected even if a newly introdueced fish is badly infested with it. it works to a simple equation, stress= vulnerablilty to diseases. lower their stress level will allow them to be better protected from different diseases
  10. so does the clam shut is yes, too much of it will stress the clam
  11. for how many days has the condition persisited and also did any thing drastic happen?
  12. in that case it is considered that they are stable already. did any thing drastic happen? or any new live stock being introduced to the tank?. also did the white spots just appear suddenly or has been there for quite some time
  13. that is a electric blue. it is considered reef safe but still it might knock your clams. same goes to halloween
  14. how long have the fishes been in your tank?
  15. clams are light sensitive and the slightest movement will cause them to shut. opening and shutting too often will stress the clams observe for a few days, and decide on the best option if you really want to keep the hermit
  16. if you got the common hermit that is red in color better remove it they are considered noe reef safe.
  17. you are so blessed. getting corals growing on your lr is quite rare. it even survived the maturing part. and it is quite sought after. but it is a little too small. take good care of it and it might be a very beautiful piece.
  18. if your pockets are deep enough get a chiller. a 5 ft with a chiller will be very good for your ls
  19. they will probably stress the clamsout. clams are not very hardy.
  20. well coral food will be good you can get them at lfs . i use white snow bought for 23 a bottle can last very long . dimension of tank?
  21. it is a speices of flower pot how much didi you pay for this one it is so tiny
  22. a percula for 2 is quite unbelievable but if you did it well, you sure got a bargain.my anemone is still fine and is bout 4 mths old now. avoid the purple base ones they move too much and also tube anemones. they pack a vicious sting and might be harmful to your corals
  23. pic 6 could be a speices of elephant you could id them at www.liveaquaria.com they have quite a big variety there
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