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Everything posted by siglap

  1. well you can try using one of those clear plastic bags that lfs use for packing. place some food in it and place it into the tank. you may have to do it several for the damsel to get use to it and slowly get bolderand swim into it. i caught mine out after 1 and half hours. try to treat it humanly by giving away or selling. in my opinion i am strongly against feeding it to a predatory fish. responsible reefing
  2. normally for quarantine tank the no. of fishes in it is very little, therefore the bio load will not be heavy, a simple hang on would be good enough. and 1 ft might be too small for some fishes.
  3. did you introduce any new livestock?
  4. thanks gouldian for your concerns. but my anemone is defitenetly healthy, it is still sticky to the touch. and also i believe that carpet anemone do host ocellaris. and finally the clown is not even touching the anemone.
  5. well my fish normally will have its fins or tail recovered completely in ard a week. just be careful its not fin rot.
  6. and do you mean they will need to coat themselves everytime they enter a diff anemone? cause my anemone is already 6 days old
  7. ya gave it much consideration before buying but mine seems quite docile can see its base sticking to the wall of my tank under the sand. my clowns are ocellaris dont think it would be a prob.
  8. in my case they seem to prefer to be out swimming then in the rocks during the day
  9. though you bought the seawater it is still better to let it run for a while so as to cutivate the beneficial bacteria. acclimatisation of the livestock will have to be implemented .also test your water before you add the supplements. over dosage might also be lethal. some fishes are naturally hardy, and the fishes in your tank now would be considered hardy. and a fish that has been in the tank longer would actually be more accustomed to the tank condition than newly introduced fishes. so its not that suprising that the 3 mth old fish is fairing better than the new ones. seawater in my opinion would be better than your own salt water mixture. and a 100% water change would be too drastic. maybe you should do it gradually.
  10. my previous anemone was chopped up by the filter. it was a long tentacle anemone. i have since bought a new carpet anemone but both clowns have yet to enter it. is there somthing that i can do?
  11. fell in love with their beauty. pls help
  12. e aquarist got them but i just got the last one. maybe they will have more next week
  13. its a 2ft with two common clown 2 fire goby 1 six line and a cleaner shrimp. i know blasting with power head helps but there is always a problem about making the seafan stay in that position then being blown off
  14. not suprising after all some damsels are immune to anemone stings.
  15. any suggestion to relieve my seafan of its pain? long time never open due to large parts covered in red nuisance algae
  16. anyone can recommend a good guided dive around singapore?
  17. well you can get relly small ones from mini toons. super soft.
  18. is the percula still available? its too cheap to resists
  19. well you need not really feed them shrimp. marine snow's fine. mine going on 6 mths on that
  20. most feed on sponges. i just got one in my tank place him on the white sponge you find all over the place. seem to eat very slowly
  21. anemone is one of the first ls to be in my tank and its still hapilly staying in there. it is possible just feed it well and take care of it. it will all be worthwhile. and make sure it stays away from the filter suction cap
  22. how much will an averge ice prob cost
  23. stillwaiting for your answer on the 6-line wrasse
  24. bwilly, wont your anemone destroy your seafan? mine seafan just touch the anemone turn bare
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