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Everything posted by siglap

  1. its just a bug. saw before at a lfs. but owner say nvm one. cannot name the lfs later get him into trouble.
  2. scotch loh. those hardware shop should have. those got checkered pattern on the box one. epoxy too runny. try not too use in my opinion lah. though some would disagree. other brand of glue all actually same. buy a few cheap ones and try.
  3. i think that cleaner shrimp would not be a problem.
  4. reef lobster. can get a small one if your fishes are bigger than it. got one before. never see it until at night. always hiding in the lr. quite sian.
  5. the scotch brand one is good. anyone is fine. better if it is gel form.
  6. fire fish will also kenna han tam by the clark. confirm. (imo)
  7. should be some kind of leather. not very sure of its species
  8. natural instincts i will say
  9. cleaner shrimp are suppose to keep your fish healthy what should not be a prob. dont worry too much
  10. six-line wrasse or yellow wrasse ok what wont tackle your shrimp. imo
  11. yah tang need much more space. gobies are fine. maybe wrasses or some butterflyfish if you have no tube worms or corals
  12. did you add any new addictives into the wATER. if not check if your anemone is still around
  13. nitrate very important. make sure its not too high
  14. that one blenny is a fang blenny got venom one be careful.
  15. your fish must be very skinny since you feed them once every two days. mine fat like pig cause i feed every day but of different quantities
  16. a certain ill effect might have repercussions that are more damaging in a small tank compared to a big tank. a bigger tank is prob easier to maintain.
  17. the brown algae prob not beneficial to your tank anyway so its ok
  18. my clown dosent seem to sleep now. they use to sleep in my long tentacle annemone before it committed suicide in the powerhead, now the seem to be swimming all the time in the front of the tank, even deep into the night. wasted money in buying a new carpet for them.
  19. by tomorrow the sponge will be at least half gone. confirm.
  20. this probably shows that the fish is capture with the use of cyanide. it might not last long
  21. my carpet didi not move since i put it in. it will not go capyure your fish, but if a fish swims into it it would naturally be stung
  22. sleeper blue dot goby not as pia as blue cheek and orange spotted. can try
  23. get one sand sifter . a yellow goby wont help. orange spotted, blue cheek, or sleeper blue
  24. too small tank add chiller bo hua. anyway my coral seems fine and spreading
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