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  1. bought a chiller for my corals!!!! changed to canister filtration system!!!!! changed from sea water to salt mixed water!!!!! enjoy the pics
  2. dont break your tank when moving in your furnitures....
  3. oh i realized what that is already. called sea life and the friendly uncle told me it was the secretion that the anemone made when it is stressed or acclimatizing to my water. it stopped doing that after 1 day so i gathered it is happy. it found a spot already and hosted with my anemone crab.....
  4. it depends on your salinity as well...so u gotta check the chart.... for e.g if your salinity is 1.020 your temperature has to be 28 and above.... for corals it has to have a higher salinity level..
  5. Just bought a bubble tip anemone from aquamarin today....I noticed that one of the 2 in the shop has some sort of small rock in the centre among their tentacles. So I bought the other one which doesn't have it, thinking it's something bad. However when I noticed it tonight it has the same sort of stuff in the middle? What on earth is that?
  6. i tried putting my blue tang in fresh water for 1-2 minutes to get rid of the ich...i noticed blackish bluish liquid coming out from its gills...any idea what that is?
  7. i soak my deep freeze krill in garlic before feeding them... i have bought a bottle of ich medication and put my blue tang in a pail to treat it... how long does it have to stay in there and dosing requirements?
  8. It was the latest addition to my tank....when I bought it it was in good condition...it may just have a little white spots in it...but I feed it with garlic guard...also after I do water changes the white spots seem to disappear....it comes back after awhile....one and off
  9. my blue tang keeps rubbing itself against my live rocks.... i have seen my cinnamon clownfish and yellow tang doing it but not that often.... my blue tang rubs it self against the gravel as well.... any ideal why?
  10. you do not really have to feed it... it will happily feed on the algae growing on your tank... i have 3 stars in my tank....they eat the left overs on my gravel bed...which is mainly small pieces of freeze dried krill.. alternatively you can try feedling them 5 in 1 coral food which has SeaPlankton in them...
  11. why does the outlet of my canister filter produce so many small bubbles into my tank...whenever i switch on my lights i see millions of micro bubbles.... help!!!!
  12. i have never been so crazy over a hobby....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. desideria


      you won't believe how much money flows out for this hobby as well and in so fast a time.

    3. Jameshong


      You will start to notice $$$ in yr bank slowly flowing out liao..LOL!

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