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Everything posted by KingFish

  1. From time to time, people need to take a break and simply disappear for a while. Take stock of their lives, make some babies or break a marriage ... et cetera. Then when it comes full circle, come back to the scene and meet some old pals, life is sweeter that way. capisca?
  2. Its not so much of the long term usage of Kalk alone will cause phosphate to bind to the live rocks, but the maintenance of pH, which has many other contributing factors. Phosphate binds to surfaces of Calcium Carbonate at about pH 8.4; so if your system is unable to maintain a constant level, pH swings will cause Phosphate to leech into your system.
  3. After reading countless reviews on the various slim design digital camera, I am officially CONFUSED ... I kinda like the Sony T9 and Casio EXILIM, they can fit in almost anywhere. The S6 looks alright but not slim enough to fit in my wife's skinny wristlet. Any opinion guys?
  4. Welcome back all ... its nice to hear from all of you. I'm tempted to dig out some old threads, we've come a long way from 'cornstick LRs' and 'No BS' days You guys can form the Coalition of Young Reefers with your 'frags'.
  5. Using a protein skimmer or switching on your lights will not help much now as your skimmer will not be effective, and your decaying LPS is more concerned about dying than photosynthesising. Its either remove the dying LPS from the tank, or wait longer for the cycle to complete. Meanwhile, you can spend some time reading up the extensive information available in the SRC archives. Try the 'Search' function.
  6. bryan, I'll make it simple for you. The LPS attached on the rocks is dying because there is trace ammonia in the water. When it is decaying, it will release more ammonia in the water, thus killing it / everything else faster. If you ask why isn't the bacteria breaking down the ammonia? Its because there isn't enough bacteria processing faster than the ammonia production. Therefore, your ANN is not complete, and it will take as long as any decaying matter remains in your tank.
  7. Limpc, Speak as we did previously; no malice, sarcasm, vested interest, etc. Basic netiquette actually. Trouble makers will be dealt with swiftly. SRC now is only as different as we intend it to be. We still get the recalcitrant ones who refuse to search, or read up before asking Newbies are still streaming in, so we do need you guys to give out good advice like we use to
  8. Yes, it will remove the organic phosphate before they are converted into inorganic phosphate. Inorganic phosphate while being negatively charged, can bind with positively charged organics which can also be skimmed out. For Silicates, its ambigious; so its either you prevent them from entering your aquarium by using RO/DI water, high quality salt (the same goes for PO4), or simply let the Si burn out with algae growth.
  9. Don't forget light acclimitisation for fishes as most are not used to the high lighting of a typical tank. Release after lights out.
  10. Nice to have you back Last I saw it, was weeks ago at LCK, but I doubt they are there anymore. Will keep an eye out for you.
  11. If your Tunze skimmer is new, tune it as specified by the instructions, then leave it to breakin. Tuning it again before breaking in might prolong the process. So will changes in water level, SG etc. Take it easy.
  12. Nice to see you guys back to say 'Hi' Yes, its been a while since Loyang (and the legend of red underwear at the mahjong table). The Forum is going through a renewal of faith. Some cleanup is in order. And the Mods are back online. We might not be the most happening of Forums, but SRC still draws the newbies. With the changes in place, that meant everyone, especially, old birds are once again welcome to share your knowledge, and provide the proper guidance fitting of an established online Forum. Once again, WELCOME BACK
  13. You may try the following link: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28487 If you can provide high light and clean waters, it might survive. Recommend close monitoring, perhaps restrict feeding it until you get a better determination of its health.
  14. Good info jc85, I see good advice coming back again. Not many people know that clownfishes and damselfishes belong to the same family of Pomacentridae. Most juveniles from this family can be kept together until they mature and start to pair up. When they do, they will establish their territories and defend it aggressively. Even while courting and pairing, aggression will begin to set in. Contrary to most beliefs, adding an anemone will be counter productive by speeding up the process. Pomacentridae community tank is a concept which has been pursued for a while with little success.
  15. More coming by, skim through new posts quickly and exits, I'll try to grab their attention. Looks like everybody seems pretty much the same. The hobby recycles itself all the time. I'm content with mixed reef with lots of movement and splashes of colour here and there, plus lots of fishes. Just right to keep you mesmerised, not enough to give you a headache. anyone can come by la ....
  16. Now I see Danano, back from fatherhood CKS too
  17. Yes all you guys, from the days when things were less complicated and friendship were true. neokn, I thought that might be you at CF with DK
  18. I see Hon lately, Sinn and a few others I can't remember
  19. If in the unfortunate event that you had begun to stock heavier than it reasonably should, you might want to consider transferring your excess stock to a mature tank, or crank up dosing of ammonia neutraliser. Depending on the brand you use, excess dosing alter pH or any other parameter which might again cause undue stress to your tank inhabitants. Good luck now and hope you get better advice next time.
  20. What is this? Minireef, One of most important trait of a responsible marine hobbyist is DISCIPLINE. Any good hobbyist will advise you to allow your tank to complete the cycling before stocking. That could range from 4-6 weeks or even longer. Its the natural process of bacteria dying off and multiplying again to compensate for the increasing processing load. Meanwhile, you can do more reading and saving for better equipment. 1 fish/stocking a week is only a guideline for responsible stocking, the tank system needs to stabilise with each introduction of waste producing organism. It is the feeding that kills, not the waste they produce.
  21. Now that some semblance of peace has been restored to this once peaceful Forum, I would again like to appeal for all responsible members to alert the Mod Team of any threads / posts / comments which might infringe our Terms & Condition. You may report clicking the 'Report Bad Post' button, or simply send us email. The Mods will act on it as soon as possible.
  22. Both well acclimitised and adjusted to tank conditions. Feeds on anything from live, frozen to pellets. Flame Angel - 3 inches (about 2-3 years old) - $45 Flame Hawk - 2.5inches (about 1 year old) - $45 I reserve the right to sell. Collection at Bishan. Thanks for looking.
  23. Nice picture ... The male looks to be missing some black and yellow pigment. You matchmade an Indo with a Filipino ah?
  24. If you had ###### 365 times in 2005 Collect all the used condoms Melt them down and make it into a tyre (car, motorbike ... whatever) Call it a "GOODYEAR" HAPPY NEW YEAR ... *this is especially for those who sent me the New Year greetings
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