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Everything posted by KingFish

  1. If you want a tailgater off your back, just gently tap your brakes. It will not slow you down but your third brake lights will come on,and he /she will have to reach for the brakes too. Do that like once every 5 seconds ... he'll back off soon enough
  2. Just so you know, there's also a possibility of PO4 trapped between in your rocks being released during your rescape. Taking your corals out might be a good idea, perhaps after lights out.
  3. Are you talking to me? (*does Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver)
  4. Regal, FishBase has one of the most comprehensive depository of information on the various species of fishes. Riot is a big fan of gobies and small fishes, hopefully someone will start posting pictures of their own I've taken a liking for smaller fishes as I find them to be of more character ... this may sound stereotyping but large fishes merely swims at length, eat a lot shit a lot more, and bully smaller fishes
  5. No.18, whatever her name is gets my vote Symmetrical features, nicely sculptured eyebrow, and piercing brown eyes
  6. Look nasty enough to be banished. Have you seen any improvement / deterioration of your Porites? That should provide some indication if it should remain, or go.
  7. Invest in a new hobby ... I went to party and said: "Can you pass me that squamosa?"
  8. Anyway, here are some facts about Landmines: Landmines murder and maim over 26,000 people a year. Roughly 3 people every hour, 71 per day are injured or killed by landmines. It costs $3 - $30 to purchase an Anti-personnel Landmine. To remove a single mine could cost as much as $1000. 16 nations still produces landmines, eight are in Asia (Burma, China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Pakistan, Singapore*, and Vietnam), three are in Europe (Russia, Turkey, FR Yugoslavia), three are in the Middle East (Egypt, Iran, Iraq), and two are in the Americas (Cuba, US). There are no producers in Africa. * Surprise ... surprise ... sad but true, its hard to sleep at night knowing some 10 year old kid in Cambodia while searching for scrap metal to exchange for food, was maimed by OUR mines
  9. ... Thanks AT, that's indeed good news Frankly, I'm not too hip to the idea of genetically modification as well. Our genetic makeup took ages to develop ... simply put, result of evolution, years of trial and error ... We push the boundaries of Science everyday, but how on Earth did we dream up the idea of playing God?
  10. ... there'll be another opportunity
  11. Old habits die hard ... tis a little slow isn't it? Well, as requested, its done. Nothing to showcase really, just bored ... Here's another
  12. Not hearing what you want eh? Btw, I can see your stubble
  13. Frankly, if they do take us for a ride, we only have ourselves to blame. If we can't handle them, we have no business dealing with them. The world economy is not driven by love, self-actualisation or brother/sister-hood ... its money, cold hard cash. Making profits means that there's a winner, and a loser. And to win means you have to brush aside all grievances and differences and go all out to better your competitors. My experience dealing with my Chinese counterparts has been a most enlightening and learning experience; their focus and willingness to learn far exceeds our expectation. Thought this, I see opportunity, while other may see defeat. Members of the EU are highly opinionated, just like us, the cenceptualisation of the union through its formation took many years, and even so, they're still struggling in its infancy. I'll not cast them aside yet. Though apparent, power shifts are as unpredictable as the tectonic plates, but its aftereffects are huge. No arguments about the oil though, all I have to say is, in the wrong hands (or right hands), we can be better off going back to the Stone Age. Are you referring to Eastern or Western philosophies? Your fears are inferring from historical occurence, and future assumptions based on its consistency. Have you considered that it may not be so? Ceteris Paribus IMO is no more than an academic convenience. The Westerners are reacting the way they should be, no longer impeding China's growth but embracing it, our reigion's majority race are still the way they are, but I do see some progress. Its the Indians I'm more keen on ... there is much to look forward to.
  14. A little frag which detached itself from the colony and nestled confortably infront of the others
  15. Meet my Ambassador, the Fridmani, aka 'L'il Hidey'
  16. Assuming you have done your reading, you should be aware that running a DSB has its pros and cons. Nonethless, here's the link to the definitive guide by Dr. Ron Shimek.
  17. Excellent. Now can we see if anyone else have comments about results from using different saltmixes? No Fuel, its selective memory, some of whose comments are treated with casual disregard while some others are recognised.
  18. I add salt to water, not the other way around. If you do otherwise, the sediment you see are actually precipitation. In any case, I hardly find the sediment a concern. Just don't pour it in the tank if it bothers you.
  19. Think you mentioned somewhere that 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it', I don't think it can be anymore applicable. My tank conditions are about the same as yours, CoraLife salt are known to have low dKH but since my corals are fine, I left it as it is. Since your water volume is moderately small, I'd try not to change the water chemistry too drastically. The mushrooms and Zoos should recover in time.
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