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Everything posted by KingFish

  1. It was done so we can direct questions / observations of, and that regarding reef fish. Helps to lighten the traffic at 'New to Hobby' & 'General Reefkeeping'. At least now, the forum is more categorised, better organised and definately more focused. Since I initiated the new section, I will be moving topics around a bit, so I would appreciate members posting in appropriate sections.
  2. Thought you may have gotten a Stonogobiops xanthorhinica, but guess not But how cool is that, lower section of the tank occupied by the gobies and upper portion, the regular stuff. Do they get fed somehow?
  3. PR opened later than usual today, nearly 2pm. You came at 3plus to find them gone, which means the remaining Eviotas were snapped up within 1.5hours after lunch hour
  4. Update: Eviotas at Paradiz Reef are SOLD OUT
  5. Also, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, you have a real gem in your tank. We'll wait till more Goby nuts turn up to confirm
  6. Gives a whole new perspective to showcasing your tank. Love the barrel-roll the Watchman Goby did But .... Woah ... that Pistol is doing some major excavation work on your sandbed. I will watch it if I were you, it may destabilise your rock foundation, or worse, cause it to collapse. If you are extremely unlucky, the pistol will survive
  7. Its a good price, will PM u the info. In your tank, it'll be snack for the Bartletts Eviotas will be lozenges Species only tanks are next big thing now .. come onboard tiger !!!
  8. Edwin from Paradiz Reef is also another Goby nut, he has some High Fin Black Antenna Goby paired with Candy Striped Pistol Shrimps that you can consider. Eviotas will make excellent addition, but I must stress its very very small, feeding requirement is still being examined. You can look at my goby threads to get some ideas, or you can try Goby Frontier. You'll be surprised to know there is a Goby Institute and a Goby Society
  9. The Prof. has spoken, live food is still the best. If you watch the video, you'll see the nice and fat Rainfordi eating frozen. There was a suggestion to try Nori, inferring from the observation that Hair Algae feeders are also known to take to Nori. Perhaps someone can try and comment.
  10. Here's a not-so-good shot, but you can see the distinct gold headstripe
  11. Profile from behind, the contrast is quite nice.
  12. Notice the short dorsal fin, I'll need another one to discern if there is any gender-unique feature.
  13. Introducing the Barber Goby (Elacatinus figaro), otherwise, locally termed as the Golden Neon Goby
  14. Been hearing quite a bit on how some Rainfordi owners are having trouble feeding them. Some of whom may be interested to read this thread from Reefs.org and this from RC. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry Siegel mentioned that "unless they eat a quality flake food; eating algae in captivity doesn't appear to do the trick". Greg Schiemer commented that "they do eat filamentous algae and sift detritus for organic particles. They are deliberate eaters and often don't get enough food in a community tank. Terry is correct about the flake food. If you can get enough of a quality spirulina flake food to them, then they have a chance." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If it helps, I feed mine LIVE Adult Brine shrimps enriched with phyto and SELCO. They will also strike at frozen now and then, not much, but at least something. I find it difficult to fatten them up, but it hasn't any trouble keeping up its energy and the Rainfordi even chases the Hectori around a bit. This was a quick search, I'm sure there are more information out there. Contributions are welcome.
  15. Just realised what a badly thought poll it is ... well, I was kind of in a rush Anyway, the Rainfordi requires a fair amount of budding algae and sand fauna to feed on. That's why it makes sense that they are introduced in an established tank. Mine feeds on live brine shrimp and bits of frozen mysis/brine. I also dose DT to help boost the pod / sand fauna population. Its pretty hardy, so its just a matter of giving them additional sustenance.
  16. Forgot to mention, there are also some nice coloured Discosoma sp. AT, its 'Mr. Personality' ugly ... but I'm sure some will find it appealing
  17. Me and another nut bought a pair each this dull? The Hectoris are in the small Five-Plan tank on the floor between two rows of tanks. There is a HUGE one, bigger than mine, and there are the usual teenie ones.
  18. There are 3 left 5 hours ago, all in excellent shapes, including the shrimp-goby pairs.
  19. - Eviota Pellucida - Hector Gobies - High fin black antenna shrimp with candy striped pistol shrimps - Abalones - paired pregnant anemone shrimps - ###### shrimps - Harlequin shrimps - lots of cleaner shrimps - lots of Fire / Blood Shrimps - Brittle stars - small Blue Linkia starfish - small bright Red Fromia Starfish - Powder Blue Tangs - Imperator Angel Some weird frogfish+ghost pipefish+lionfish ugly mother
  20. It is the Neon pygmy-goby, a very exquisite fish, small no doubt, but I just spent an hour staring at it. My largest one is 10mm, the smaller one is about 6mm. Due to their small size, their food can be quite specialised, I just gutload them with BBS before releasing them into my tank.
  21. Paradiz Reef - Eviota pellucida - Hector Gobies - Black Antenna shrimp goby pairs (with Candy striped pistol shrimps)
  22. Suggest creating another thread in the Pasar Malam dude ...
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