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Everything posted by nicreef

  1. Btw just another quick question. When i add the live sand there are some stains on the acrylic surface on the inside. Can i use a cloth to clean? or are there specific equipment i can purchase. Just wondering if the dirt on the cloth will mess things up =)
  2. Hi Thanks for the thread. Just wondering if i purchase salt water from the shop instead of doing it on my own do i still have to test for sg?
  3. Sorry to hijack your thread =) 2day of cycling and i saw this. was wondering if i should pull them out or leave it there?? Grr not sure how i can get the photo here. Wheneever i try to upload attachment it lags out lol below is the link http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/2686/img0382wf.jpg
  4. Hi, Stumbled upon this thread and was wondering if say i have already added crushed corals (i believe that is what it is) to the tank should i clear them before adding the sand?
  5. Ariwana i think base on what i gather from the forum
  6. Thanks for the swift replys everyone. Luckily i stumbled upon this forum before i added the fishes in else i will just be killing them. Will try and see what i can do about the fishes if he doesnt allow me to change it tomorrow. Maybe a spare pail?
  7. also base on what i read, i need to let the tank cycle for around a week before i add livestock to it? wish i had gotten to this forum before buying the tank n fishy lol. and also is there like a simple point for point gide to setting up a tank instead of all the long articles out there? thanks again
  8. Hi all, Totally new to this. Just bought a IQ5 tank for office and need some advice. 1. There are 3 chambers for iq 5 do i need to fill them all up with water? 2. is there a need to add a additional air pump to the system? 3. With regards to water temperature how much is too high and what is too cold? wondering what i should set my office air con at -) sorry for this newbie question. been reading a lot and just have this few question which i hope to get answered so i can go back office later to do the changes needed. Thanks
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