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Everything posted by nicreef

  1. After my last misadventure where i had a huge ammonia spike effectively killing off all my stuff, i decided to use my friend recently decomm 2 ft tank. (i was in the midst of doing up a simple sump previously so i just used it for my current set up attached is some pic. hopefully i can get some advice on what else i can do a look at how the tank look like the "sump" - less the over head skimmer as i am still cycling - i filled it with some crushed coral and my external filter pipe is below those curshed corals) The inflow pipe has been changed since this caused alot of air bubbles.... Overflow box i bought from aquamarine seted up yesterday and the readin now is abit weird low A - low N - High N. On hand i have a pail of ammonia filled water (stinks) should i dose it into the tank at a slow and gradually increasing basis?
  2. Hi thanks, read about it with the help of google. guess you are right. cool glad to know i wont need to buy that much new rock...wanted to use a overflow system and use my old iq 5 as a sump but the smell killed the idea haha. Thanks
  3. Hi, My iq 5 has been up and running for the last year + without problems when all of sudden it started to have this rotten egg smell. I have recently added the red sea biological nitrate and phosphate reducer beside which i dint do much changes. Luckily, i have been in the process of cycling a new tank so i can decomm my old 1 fast but i am wondering what happened? as i do not want this to happen to my new tank. Another question is the live rock in the old tank are now transferred to a pail. Can i add them into my new tank and let it cycle along with it? or should i just get new LR?
  4. Hi all, Have been satisfied with my IQ5 for a long time but thought it is time i move on to something bigger. Opportunity arise when i manage to get 2 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 Glass tank with metal frame stand at $60. Current office is shared with a old friend (whom got the tanks for me) whom is a lover of fresh water fish tank. With the additional space and a fellow buddy, hopefully i can get my first "real" tank up and running without much hitch. I also do realize how much a difference it is between having an IQ5 an a 3ft tank and as such am reading up slowly on the articles available in this forum. For a start, i am 1. repainting the stand 2. adding additional silicon to the tank 3. wiping the tank with distilled water (not too sure if it is needed but just wanted to get the tank as clean as possible since it used to be for fresh water) Once that is done, the next stage i was thinking of is to: 1. Get live sand and rocks 2. begin cycling of top tank while i prepare sump (or should i do the cycling together?) Question on my head now: 1. what chiller, lighting and wavemaker to get 2. how do i get the do up the sump ( i know i can get someone outside to do it but i was thinking of going DIY all the way) Just posting this not to get answer but rather feedback on what i should do while i finish this weekend reading up on the articles
  5. Woot nice. Can let me know where you got the tank? i want to do something similar in height but maybe larger in size.
  6. woo can pm me ur fengshui master contact and price since it seems to be working lol maybe i should give him a call to see my office. See if need to move my iq5 not.
  7. done. thanks. was worried over changing my water will kill off the cycling process lol seems to be around 10 - 25 now. =)
  8. ok yup both at 0 and did the change today. but the nitrate is still at 50ppm down from 100ppm is it ok? i changed 50% followed by 25% den 25% to get it down to 50ppm
  9. yup read it. i am guessing it should be. NO2 and amonia reads as 0. not too sure if i got it right. Amonia will spike den go down and NO2 will spike den go down n NO3 will have some/a lot? my amonia and NO2 reads as 0 when i did my test today.
  10. Hi, Beside water change is there anyway to lower NO3. Currently 1 1/2 week into cycling and my NO3 is high. Did a 50% water change 2 days ago still high. today i did another 50% change followed by 25% and 25% but reading i am getting from my test kit is still ard 50ppm.
  11. Wah I like the lights. Any recommendation for my iq5?
  12. cool thanks. going to google up their images now hee
  13. Just bought a pack from irawana...cost me $1 =) thanks for the idea of jerrycan. The plastic bag dam hard to carry and the red plastic bag they give you to carry it always break.
  14. Hi, Newb question here i have just begin cycling my tank. today is the 4th day or so. just got a test kit (salifert). the reading i get is: nh4 is less than 0.25 (murky white colour, NO2 should be 0.5ppm (very light purple colour) and NO3 should be ard 100 9very dark purple). Just wondering if i did mess up? as from what i read, high level of NO3 should appear only towards the end of the cycling which should last ard 4 weeks. Should i do a 50% water change? at the same time as i had bought lifestock before reading this forum, they are currently in the pail. so i do have some water with fish waste within =x should i add that to the tank to boost the growth of NO2 eating bacteria?
  15. Irwana i believe. The one on farmway 3. Just another question. the rocks on the back are growing 2 type of white stuff on it. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/638/img03831.jpg/ and a sharper image here with both the white mass and the white stuff with a cylinder pointing out http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/714/img0386y.jpg/ Read online they could be sponge which is good or fungus which is bad =x in fact what should i kill? lol i have been googling during my lunch break but not much help on what is harmful. Saw another post on this forum and i know i have to watch out for aiptasia googled it and got lots of images back till i am blurred lol. once again thanks again for the patience with a newbie like me
  16. cool. Thanks. Got the magnet and a clean cloth btw posted this in another thread but no reply yet so thought i can post here for help: 2day of cycling and i saw this. was wondering if i should pull them out or leave it there?? Posted Image Grr not sure how i can get the photo here. Wheneever i try to upload attachment it lags out lol below is the link http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/2686/img0382wf.jpg
  17. Just got my IQ5 few days back. Read through all the threads. Great to see my fellow IQ5 bros Just wondering how much did the skimmer and cooler cost you bro?
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