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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. Will be looking fwd to see everyone competition tank on that day.
  2. Actually there's another ah pek cobbler just opposite Football court & Woodlands NPC, at Blk 640 void deck. He's there everday from 9am to 6pm except monday. Very cheap and good workmanship.
  3. R u referring the top center ones is the eye of rah, the ones with only 6polyps, green skittles with orangy center? The purple with green center is peanut buttercup?
  4. Hi bros, Can anyone help with the id of these zoas? Thanks in advance. Close up view.
  5. Bro Serravorte has some frags for sale but its in north area.
  6. Thanks, already saw the demo set at Madpetz.
  7. I trying a few supplements hoping it will help, so far not much progress. The patch without color even started to have a small tear. Will keep on monitoring...
  8. Cos i see your long tenacles LPS all very still, not swaying its tenacles. If so, u need to target feed them often.
  9. 6 hrs kind of short duration, maybe your corals not enough light. Need at least 8-12hrs IMO.
  10. Nice, using office air con for cooling the tank?
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