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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. Always good to read abt other reefers' thread on how they set up & run their tanks & reef keeping methodology.
  2. Nice photos of ur setup and congrats in winning first runner-up. All ur hard work paid off.
  3. Very detailed planning and good choice of equpments.
  4. Lucky kid, won 2 of the 4 prizes available. Congrats to all again!!
  5. Currently I using BW aquatics reef biofuel which is more effective. Managed to achieve near zero readings for nitrate & phosphate in juz less than 3 weeks.
  6. I using but nearly 2 yrs never changed liao. Put in filter bag & juz throw inside sump. Did regenerate once but nitrate unable to go below 5mg/l.
  7. Do u dose any bacteria liquid? It has to be part of your maintenance routine after WC to keep your bacteria population in check.
  8. Wah, I'm excited already! But I can only be there on sat.
  9. I seconded that, chiller will be the wiser choice if u intend to keep lots of corals. Currently u r able to achieve temp of 27-28deg maybe it's due to the rainy weather. Come next yr march onwards, when the weather gets real hot, your livestock will suffer esp corals. I dun believe using fan can achieve temp below 26deg in SG. Juz my 2 cts.
  10. Acrylic always easy to have scratches.
  11. Definitely safe. Used it many times before however it's not really that strong but can use for small items like zoas fragging.
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