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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. Nice frag tank. Hope to see close ups of ur frags soon.
  2. Thanks for all the comments & advises, bros.
  3. Thanks for all the comments & advises, bros.
  4. On 11th day of running my new tank was slowly greeted by my first common enemy. Diatoms. Now increasing my lighting period & the more they show up in numbers. Not that I can count them. Lol On a happier note, was greeted by this when I reached home this evening. I'm anxious but dunno way to do? Anyone can advise?
  5. Cute little batfish that even batman will feel proud!!
  6. Hmmm...if u selling it, r u still going to start ur nano tank?
  7. It will interesting to see its performance on existing & mature tank. Btw, nice scape on ur new tank.
  8. Yes, that's right in order for the skimmer to optimizes its performance base on its own technical specs. This varies with different models and type of skimmer used.
  9. My equipment list: Deltec SC1455 skimmer, Skimz RR113 recirculating biopellet reactor for AIO biopellet, Maxspect Gyre XF130, 2 X Jebao DC9000 pumps, Reef Octopus ATO system & Dalkin R09CV1H 1HP Compressor. Some pics,
  10. All all ur corals r coloring up nicely.
  11. I'm using my old skimmer, deltec sc1455. The small built in tank behind drop coil is the reservoir. Will take a clearer pic tonite if I remember.
  12. Setup my CRX & ATO yday. Pic of my messy sump. Currently running aio biopellets & ultraphos for nutrient export.
  13. That queen angel definitely a hot fave.
  14. Look like u r on the right track. Camping here.
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