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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. The trachy started to decay, so i have to throw away. The Prata still the same, no improvement. Some of my LPS, mainly Pratas has some white threads forming on it, not really a lot but I think its prevent it from expanding. Anyone seen this condition before?
  2. I saw one isopod in the sand bed before. BTW I only have one Mystery wrasse and one Flasher fairy wrasse. In what way will they affect my LPS? So far never see them nip at my corals.
  3. My nitrates ard 0.2mg/L, yeah they r from G.O. But this prata i've kept for quite some time before it become like that. Dunno why?
  4. 3 of my LPS, namely 2 pratas and 1 trachy are showing signs of stress (spider web like strings growing on top of the flesh near mouth areas) Can anyone tell what's the cause of it? My Ca is around 420mg/l and KH approx 10.2-10.6dkh. Before that I'm having some problem with one brand of test kit telling me my Ca 450mg/l til I used Salifert's which is showing me my calcium is actually 300mg/l. Dunno if this is the cause of it? Of the 3 LPS, 2 of it is badly stressed while the 3rd one is just starting to show little threads on its flesh.
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